Saturday, July 9, 2011

Top 10 Reasons why my son is the coolest

Well, as you can see in the comments from yesterday, my son has a few suggestions on writing a much longer birthday blog about him...I think I'll go with the top ten reasons why my son is the coolest:

1. He can grow facial hair (and does often)... As a matter of fact, he changes it each time I see him. For now it's a beard, and fortunately a fairly short one. DD's friend thought the photo of him yesterday was "hot" and said he looks like John Lennon (a HUGE compliment to her, as she's a big music person.) He recently had a goatee, which he usually does when he cuts off his beard. He looks much younger clean shaven, so I prefer that but that hasn't happened since he was looking for a job a few years ago. And once, for about a week, he had a moustache. I really liked it, but then I like moustaches and are waiting for them to come back in vogue. They're super macho, but guys won't wear them lately. (I'm wondering if men have too many female hormones these days to grow them?)
2. He made the dean's list in college. I always knew he had it in him. He started talking REALLY early but was just never motivated to make good grades, no matter how hard I bribed him. When he got to college, some kind of inner bell went off, and he decided to dig in. He actually made the comment, "Mom, if you study, you can actually make good grades!!" (This was an epiphany for him...)
3. He has a wicked funny sense of humor. It's, of course, sarcastic, which is the only way you survive in my family - eat or be eaten. Well, not all the time, but definitely some of the time. We come from a long line of smart asses and take pride in our sarcasm...
4. He LOVES soccer. He's kind of a football fan, but when soccer comes on, he's all over it. I think it makes him feel worldly, but he says somehow he can relate to it better. Note that he did play soccer at a VERY young age, but had no interest at all in chasing the ball. He jumped in mud puddles and loved getting a uniform and getting it dirty...
5. He's not a jerk to women. It might be because of having a mom and 2 sisters that would just not allow it, but I'll also give credit to his dad, who is a great example of not being a jerk to women. When my son has his 'moments,' we remind him....
6. He can debate like nobody's business. He actually got a law enforcement degree so he could then go to law school, but our money ran out. But he missed his calling, since he would make a great attorney...
7. He is VERY handsome. Luckily he doesn't think so and doesn't get all conceited. As a matter of fact he thinks he's ugly, but quite the opposite. He's a great looking guy who doesn't know it.
Those are the best kind...
8. He's a nice friend to his friends. Lately they are not too reciprocal but that will pass. I think they are all in a selfish mode right now, but will come back at some point in time...
9. He has great hair. Silly?? I think not! Girls dig good hair and he's got it...
10. He has a good heart. Again, you might think I'm biased, but who knows a person better than his mother? I think people fall into only 2 categories - good heart or black heart. He definitely has a good heart.
And that is the most important quality of all...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom!!

Pearl said...

Bubba! You're going to have to do something a little longer than "Thanks Mom"... (haha)

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate all the nice comments you said about me. It means a lot:) Thanks.