Thursday, October 28, 2010

My reply to yesterday's anonymous reader

Dear Reader,
First of all, thank you for reading my blog; I really appreciate it. I would like to respond to your comment. And you probably 'get' this, but what I'm saying is, that Muslims are moving to the West and they don't seem to want to assimilate. They want to bring their Islamic laws, Sharia law, and enforce it on us. The 'moderate' Muslims do not stand up to the radical Muslims, as evidenced after 9-11. They should have been loudly condemning these terrible acts of violence on innocent people, but there was only silence, but for a handful. When I was growing up, there were Muslims in other countries, but they were not out to kill the infidel like the radicals preach now.
As you probably read last week, Fox News contributor and NPR contributor, Juan Williams, was fired from NPR for saying that Muslims dressed in their garb, scare him on airplanes. NPR fired him, as they don't want anyone on their payroll with this attitude. But the fact remains, that the majority of Americans feel the same way. How can we differentiate if they are a moderate Muslim or a radical Muslim that wants to kill us?? Yes America has freedom of religion, but in America we are free to do what we wish UNTIL it infringes on someone else's freedom. Muslims are free to worship as they please, but not if they break our laws (like killing us!)
My point is that, in England the majority of males born there last year have Muslim parents. My second point is that the Muslims have been successful in converting British women to their beliefs. I personally don't see the lure since Muslims don't have the same freedoms for their women as, say, Christianity does. But people want to believe in something, and feel like their life counts.
Personally, I'm a Christian, and not just in name only. I try to 'walk the walk and talk the talk,' and know that Jesus set me free from some serious chains of sin. No one can argue my experience - I was pulled out of the gutter. I am going to heaven someday, and I am trying to take as many as I can with me. But only with my words. Like Jesus, I will make the offer, and leave someone to make their own decision. But I won't push my beliefs on someone, ever. And I won't kill everyone who doesn't believe like me...