Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"I am a femme fatale, my dear."

My youngest is in Junior High... Ugh those are hard years.... All they care about is being popular. And being friends with the most 'popular' girl since she's 'popular' with all of the guys... Last year they picked on this one girl all year long. And she is a cute girl with neat parents, but somehow she was chosen as the 'sacrificial lamb,' the sort of 'whippin boy' for everyone to make fun of. Well, it worked and she's not back at the school this year. Now it seems they have chosen my daughter. My daughter who is also cute, but the most popular girl has decided that my daughter is the one to beat, so she has turned all of the boys which she has under her spell, against DeDe. Whatever DeDe says, it's all wrong and uncool. She is so MISERABLE! If I thought it would do ANY good, I would take it to the principal. But I tried that at the beginning of the year and it backfired. I asked that they not put popular girl and DeDe in the same class, due to her incessant barrage of attacks. Not only did they not do what I asked, but they also told popular girl of my request, and now popular girl has upped her game and declared full out war.
I know. I shouldn't get involved... I'm trying really hard not to. But I have to hear the fussing and crying almost daily. Popular girl (PG) also has the coaches wrapped around her finger, and since she's really good at sports, she can do no wrong. All of these schools worship the jocks since that brings them and the school positive attention. PG is one of the most manipulative people I have ever witnessed and I have been around the block! The closest thing that comes to mind is Scarlett O'Hara, but in a jocky, unattractive way... Also like the movie, 'Mean Girls' or actually most of the coming-of-age movies, yet PG really isn't cute. Just really aggressive, manipulative, and controlling.
I guess DeDe (and I) will get through this. Just hoping high school will be better...