Thursday, September 13, 2012

"While London was burning..."

Well, while "London is burning" or is it Rome?'s not good on the other side of the planet and it all seems to be falling apart worldwide... And now that we will be coming into the high holy days for the Jews (and consequently Muslims, since they both are descended from Abraham) so events will get very heated now. Today DD was home sick with strep throat. Seems half of her high school is out sick, and DD's boyfriend has been sick all week with both strep and what seems to be flu-like. And we actually got rain, which is super strange after years and years of continual drought conditions because when it actually DOES rain, it's just really weird. Even my cat walks around meowing and sort of freaks since she's not used to it. I had the news on in the background, so was watching as the radical? Muslims are inciting each other and uniting each other with hatred for Israel and the West (that's us) by burning our flags and embassies and trying to kill as many infidels (that's us) as possible. I even heard (but not by American media) that the American ambassador in Libya was sodomized before killed, and that was from a Libyan website. That poor man and others with him never had a chance... It's so crystal clear how the current administration is ruling in the worst possible way... And we just feel helpless. We watch our televisions and say a prayer, and don't know what else we can do.
Meanwhile, here in small town Texas, tomorrow is homecoming. I think DD will be well enough to participate. Her sweet boyfriend just brought her mum by, and she gave him his garter (a new custom since I was in high school.) They haven't seen each other all week since he was really, really sick, and both seemed so delighted to lay eyes on each other. Watching them so young and so happy does temper all of the wicked evil in this world.
I guess we have to take what we can get...