Monday, September 3, 2012

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear..."

Is it just me or does anyone else feel an "angst" that just won't go away? My immediate family feels it too, or is it all the people I live around, or just Texans, or just Americans, or is it the whole world??
There are reports that Iranians have been told to stay inside for two weeks, and not go to work or school. And I hear that Israel is on the highest alert. Stories today say the prez has told Israel that, as commander-in-chief, the US will not help Israel if they bomb Iran.
So here we sit... on the brink of what seems to be World War III. And to make matters worse, the Democratic National Convention is starting, and just watching these people is extremely distressing. They are completely blinded to the truth and it's stressful -- this whole election is stressful. To me, if you ask the question, "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago," the answer is not only no, but hell no! Anyone who responds differently is completely deceived or lying to themselves. And the liberals see conservatives as THE enemy, even more than jihadists. Because, in essence, we ARE more of an enemy to them, at least for now, because we are moral and righteous and bring light to their darkness. And they hate it and they hate us because ultimately they want justification for their lifestyle. And they know we will not negotiate our values. They are mad at God and refuse to follow Him and hate anyone who does. They tell us to be tolerant when they are the least tolerant people in the country. They want to play by different rules. They want free speech but don't want us to have free speech. They are blindfolded from the truth and desire communism over capitalism. Little do they know that the hammer would come down, and they would lose all their rights. Rights of free speech, rights to sin, and lose most freedoms.
There is an air that there isn't much time. Even Paul Ryan said it in his speech last week. And the implication was, if there's still any time left now. Many think we're already past the point of no return, so THEN what? My co-worker mentioned something that's to happen in four more years and I said, "Who knows WHAT will have happened by that time?" My 15 year old cannot envision the future, and she's an optimist. I'm not even sure what to tell her. I try to sound hopeful but there is so much negative information out there, it's very difficult.
I try to live day by day. I try to live in the present because it's all we have. I was thinking yesterday that I'm so glad I cannot foresee the future, so I will not be dreading the bad things that will inevitably happen. I've just got to enjoy now.
It's all we've got...