Monday, September 24, 2012

"OMG - Obama Must Go"

Well, it's about midnight and my brain is mush from Monday... So I'm looking at my tweets today, and I suppose they are what caught my attention:
- Ahmadinejad to meet with 'Occupy' on US soil...
Really? We let our ENEMY who is threatening to destroy us come over HERE and say that crap??
- Ahmadinejad in New York says Israel will be "eliminated"
Again, WHY are we allowing this guy in our country????
- France swaps "Mother Father" for "Parents" in Civil Code: Parent No. 1 Parent No. 2
Again really?? We're going to throw away what has been SINCE THE BEGINNING OF FREAKIN' TIME??
- Iran cuts off Google search and Gmail
No surprise that a dictator wouldn't want his subjects to plot against him...
- Thanks to the EPA, coal company shutting 8 mines, firing 1200 workers...
Of course Obama is for 'green' energy which does not include coal mining - and what the heck, why not add to the unemployment...
- Canada Prime Minister to meet with Netanyahu, Obama with Whoopi
(sigh) self expanatory
- Sarah Palin tweets that Thomas Sowell says "the only thing Obama is redistributing is poverty.
Well, yes... but he's making it so much worse every week... it's quite the understatement.
- Paul Ryan: We will undo Obama's Executive Orders
God, I hope so...
- Grand ayatollah: Jesus an illegitimate child
I'm sorry, we're not allowed to mock Islam, so they're not allowed to mock my God. It's blasphemy. Where is the outrage people??
- Spank a kid, get hard time..
 The Bible says, "spare the rod, spoil the child" and a gazillion other verses about child-rearing but in Delaware the Attorney General Beau Biden (name ring a bell?) says parents cannot give junior a swat on the bottom that causes "pain" and THAT is how the child reports the feeling. My God are we in an alternate universe??? If you've ever had a child, it is for their SAFETY  that you discipline...
- Obama describes wave of Middle East violence, murder of U.S. ambassador to Libya as "bumps in the road."
Really? How disgustingly cavalier is this? I wonder how the families of these people feel when they hear that?
- Israelis walk out in disgust as Ahmadinejad taunts them by flashing a peace sign at UN in New York (while US officials stay in their seats)
We're in dangerous territory now - God says He will bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them...
- And finally here's a funny bumper sticker that I saw & tweeted:
"17 trillion debt and all we got is this lousy president"
About says it all...