Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll?

Just read on Drudge that nearly half of high school students admit to having had sex. This did not surprise me... My youngest daughter is going into 10th grade next year, and I have heard over the course of the year from her of how many are bragging about it. One of her good friend's mother was telling a group of moms the other day that it was eye-opening for her husband when he started teaching at the high school a few years ago. She said he came home and said, "There's not a drug problem in this high school, there is a sex problem." Seems our local high schoolers are having lots of sex and with lots of people.
What with all of the media 'messages' that they hear incessantly, it is no wonder. It's in the majority of the songs they listen to, and in 99% of the rap songs, which are ever so popular. But they also see it on television, hear it on their radio stations, see it in movies, in magazines, in advertising, on-line (porn, ugh), on billboards - you name it. As a matter of fact, things have deteriorated a LOT since my older two children were in high school, and they went to our same small town high school too, here in a conservative area of Texas. MTV shows about teen moms don't help the cause either. Right now there are four or five sophomores in our small high school that are pregnant, and they are not from the poor families. Even the high school fashion magazines like Seventeen and Glamour are descriptive in their stories about sex techniques for their young readers. My mother never had "The Talk" with me, so I never had it with my older daughter, but I felt it very necessary to talk to my youngest. Even in our church-going town, morals are disappointing, to say the least. I can only think of one really great role model for this age group, and that's Tim Tebow. And he's mocked and ridiculed constantly. Heaven help us.
It's our only answer...