Monday, July 30, 2012

A woman's right to choose????

The more I think about NYC Mayor Bloomberg "locking up baby formula" at the hospitals, the madder I get. Who the HELL does he think he is??!! How dare he tell these women that they need to breast feed. I thought he was a liberal! Don't they believe in "a woman's right to CHOOSE?" Yeah, what happened to personal choice?? I think it's preposterous!
My older daughter, Alex, just had her first child in March, and after 3 days was so stressed out in trying to nurse, that she gave up and went to bottle feeding. Which is just fine, thankyouverymuch. She was stressed out enough with a new baby, and new schedule, and no sleep, that it just sent her over the edge. And she has said many times since then, that there is such a HUGE pressure from society, other women, and even the doctors, to breast feed. And yes, there are radical activists for this cause. They are in La Leche and they disdain anyone who doesn't breastfeed, and want you to do it for a long time.
If you think about it, it's backasswards, since feminists are FINE with abortion and killing your child, but then once you have one, you're supposed to go immediately back to work AND nurse your child. Say what?! None of that makes sense.
As a Baby Boomer, my mother bottle fed me, and I made straight A's all my life, and went to the University of Texas, so I think I turned out okay. In my mother's generation, she said there was pressure to bottle feed and that it was considered lower socioeconomic to breast feed. When I had Alex and her brother, about half chose to breastfeed and half to bottle feed. And then when I had DD fifteen years ago, breastfeeding was encouraged but no one made a big deal either way. But now? Young women are shamed incessantly if they choose to bottle feed. But it is still the mother's CHOICE. (May I also add that spanking is now strongly discouraged, and young mother's are told that is archaic. If you spank your child, someone may call CPS on you, so hardly anyone does.)
Anyway I digress.
Mayor Bloomberg is creating a nanny state with smoking, transfats, salt, soft drinks and now breastfeeding. Oh, and guns. What a jerk. What a pompous dictator. He INFURIATES me. It makes me never even want to VISIT New York City. What an ass. I guess I'm fortunate to live in Texas.
Because we would run his pansy ass out of our state...