Monday, July 23, 2012

Draw a line in the sand

It's time to make a stand on what we believe in. On twitter, I have tried to remain above the fray and not reply if someone says something rude to me. The other day I retweeted something about Chick-Fil-A and their traditional marriage stance. This guy went off on how he wasn't going to go there because they hated gays, and aimed it at me. I responded that they don't hate gays, they are just standing up for traditional marriage, between a man and a woman. This guy continued to spew his hatred but I remained kind and firm. It's all we really can do. Agree to disagree I suppose.
In my family tree, there are a lot of early deaths for the women and the men remarried their first cousin to help them with their children. I always thought it weird that this was true for my father's grandfather and my mother's grandfather. Both lost their first wives very young (one from pneumonia and the other from childbirth) and both had my family line with their first cousins. And there was also some divorce, so my family tree is strange, and there are some holes that we just don't know. But I do have a tree, an ancestral tree. And how are kids with 2 mommies or 2 daddies supposed to do this? They track the sperm donor. Wow. How fun is that?! They can't say, I have Grandma's eyes and Uncle Ted's toes. And this is even in addition to the moral aspect of how God intended it.
We've just got to take a stand on important things like traditional marriage. It is the fabric of society. Yes, in my little town in Texas, most children live in traditional homes. But it's still a lot different than when I moved here in the mid-nineties. My high schooler does know kids growing up in homes with two moms and two dads. Things are changing quickly. We don't hate gays. The Bible says to hate the sin but love the sinner. That's impossible unless you are a practicing Christian. The Bible also says we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Good for the Chick-Fil-A owner. He's taking a stand. He's drawing the line in the sand. And he's evidently willing to lose customers over it. And some day he will stand before his Maker and account for all of his words and actions.
We all will...