Sunday, July 29, 2012

Say what you mean and mean what you say

Yes, I've been to church today but that helped for, well, about 15 minutes... I guess it's all of the little things that are adding up to big things. And then I click on Drudge and, I don't know, it just all seems depressing. And then I think to myself, well then I just wont read the news, I'll just be uninformed. You know, "Ignorance is bliss" sort of thing. But then that drives me crazy too because I like to know what's going to happen -- or at least guess.
Drudge says, "Scalia warns, guns may be regulated" and that Homeland security is gearing up for civil unrest prior to the election. Yes, I'll bet they are... We are a nation out of control. It's like the family who didn't discipline their children, and now that they have grown up, there's nothing they can do but watch it play out.
And speaking of pissy, my 15 year old was supposed to go to our cousin's wedding last night and asked her boyfriend a month ago, and he cancelled at the last minute, and then today her closest friend had asked her to go to a state park swimming with their family, and they weaseled out at the last minute because her sister's boyfriend wasn't back from Houston yet....
Why don't people do what they say? Why are people so selfish that they will disappoint others just because they changed their mind? Half of my family weaseled out of the wedding last night and made some excuse why they couldn't go last minute. Aren't we supposed to be loyal to family? Aren't family the first ones asked to the wedding and expected to be there? I thought blood is thicker than water, or is it?
I'm SØ tired of everyone disappointing me...