Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"We need to be alert to the fact that these evil-doers still exist..." - George Bush

A few days ago I wrote a blog about pirates, but deleted it thinking that no one was interested in that but me. I had just seen "Hawaii Five-O" last week and was surprised that there are now pirates in Hawaii. Too, Mexican pirates recently killed a young newlywed man at the Mexican border on Lake Amistad. Even large cruise ships have been shot at by these 'thugs on the water.' And now today we learn that the four Americans that were taken hostage on February 11th off of the coast of Africa were murdered.

When I was young, you never heard anything like this happening, but the world is more brazen and violent now. It's being reported that there are 660 known hostages being held by pirates worldwide, and at least 30 ships. The couple from Southern California, the Adam's, have been sailing around the world and passing out Bibles along the way. I had gone to their website last week, and it showed that they had not checked in since 2-11. Today, the website no longer has their information, and shows a default site...
When I heard the news about them being captured, I wondered what their thoughts were? Mine would've been that I was screwed with the liberals in charge of our country right now, which ended up being an accurate assessment. It seems the pirates think like criminals always do... They start it, we retaliate and then THEY punish us for the retaliation. Evidently these thugs were angry that one of their own was sentenced last week in New York to 33 years. It was the same mindset of those that attacked us on 9-11, and when we respond, they are infuriated that we did.
America is a laughing stock around the world these days. Our mentality of political correctness has pervaded everything and has made us extremely weak globally. Evil-doers are no longer afraid, since our track record shows we don't DO anything. They have carte blanche with the liberals in power. Just ask the Adams.
Oh wait, you can't... they're dead.