Friday, February 18, 2011

"Those who can't, teach?"

WHY didn't I become a teacher?? I went to the University of Texas, and had my pick of whatever I wanted to do. And the girls that chose the teaching profession had the best intentions, like my sister, who knew it would be the perfect job when they married and had children.... Holidays off? Check. Out at the end of school? Check. Summers off? Check. Even be able to be at some schools when their child was there. Check. And then know all of the teachers and administration so your kid can have an advantage. Check.

So here we are now. Worst economy by a long shot in my life. I've had to spend my retirement to keep my head above water. I have only had 2 weeks off TOTAL in 3 years. I have to work all of the Monday holidays. I have no union fighting for me. I have insurance for catastrophic only with HUGE deductibles and no dental. And in my small town, the teachers have a great lifestyle. They are all friends, their children are friends, and they don't seem to stress like I do, where I worry every day that my sales aren't high enough, and I could lose my job. I'm working twice as hard as I did 3 years ago for similar results.
These teachers in Wisconsin DISGUST me... Spoiled brats. They live on easy street, and their big union wants to keep them there. The rest of us have to for go vacations and pull way back on spending. But these teachers? They don't understand that MY tax dollars are paying for them to live a much better lifestyle than the rest of us in the middle class. And then they 'skip school' to protest and encourage their students to come along!! AAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! Most of the teachers I know are liberals since they've been government workers for way too long, and enjoy the indoctrination of the green lifestyle, and global warming, and recycling. My sister, who, granted, IS a good teacher, has gone to Italy the last two summers and not had to pay anything but her own food. She's applied for grants, and was chosen, twice, to go there - two years ago for 2 weeks and last summer for a MONTH! And this, during a time when Americans are supposed to be 'tightening our belts.' When politicians start 'cutting the fat,' maybe THIS should be the first place they start! I am glad for her that she got to go, but I find it completely irresponsible of our government to be paying for trips like this.
I'm just saying....