Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Men are from Mars.."

Well, it's begun... Just saw on Facebook to change your profile pic to you and your significant other and put how long you've been together... Ah yes, for a single lady, we are upon one of the most dreaded days of the year... Valentine's Day...

I'm not sure who dreamed up Valentine's Day, I've read several stories and none of them seem plausible. Never is there more of an obvious disconnect, "Men are from Mars; Women from Venus" moment. Men are problem solvers; women are emotional beings. Men just want the facts; women want all the embellishments, with feelings attached. Not surprisingly, this translates to the bedroom as well. Women like to cuddle and be held and even talk; men just seem to enjoy the release, but I'll leave it at that.
And Valentine's Day? Well, I liken it to marriage proposals. There is a small percentage of men that get it right and meet women's expectations on the romantic meter. Most guys just want to do the least possible to stay out of the dog house, i.e. flowers and/or chocolates. He gets extra points if he sends it to her at work where all her coworkers can see his public display of love, and thus all the girls will be jealous and wish their guy was like that. An expensive dinner will trump this since we get to dress up and go out with all the other lucky gals who's paramour's are doing the same thing. And then, topping that, would be the Valentine weekend trip, like a wine trail weekend or B&B shopping/sightseeing excursion.
At my first job at the Dallas Times Herald one of my coworkers was in her mid twenties, and her husband got her boss' permission to 'kidnap' her at work and whisk her away in a private plane to fly to their favorite restaurant in Austin for their anniversary. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! We STILL talk about THAT one.... Her husband was continually doing the extras to make her feel loved. Marriage/relationships are like plants - you have to keep watering and feeding them - it's ongoing.
But alas, (sigh) I will go to work tomorrow and watch the other girls get flowers, chocolates, and whatever from all the good ones. And me? Try not to look sad. Act like I don't care that adulthood is only for couples. That being single is like trying to go through life with one arm. Life is meant to be shared...
So friends, if you have a significant other, be thankful. And don't worry about the flowers and candy -
that's just icing on the cake...