Friday, February 11, 2011

"Let my people go..."

It's 2-11-11.... a day Egypt will always remember. I've been watching them celebrate in the streets with a mixed reaction. Of course I see that these people have been oppressed... and you cannot help but be happy for them in this moment that they think they are free... The human soul yearns to be free and wants the rights that have been guaranteed to Americans in our constitution.

Then I look at President Obama, who seems to care more for the Egyptians than the United States. He seems to relate more to them on some level than he does with us. In his speech he said, "Today belongs to the people of Egypt..." Maybe he should resign and go be pharoah, I mean president of Egypt. Mmmmm... wishful thinking on my part. He was all for peaceful protesting in THEIR country, but when the Tea Party arose with PEACEFUL protesting, he disregarded us. When we marched at the Washington monument, he didn't even respond.
Then we have the U.S. Director of National Intelligence saying today that the MUSLIM Brotherhood is a SECULAR organization. Say what??! By the very nature of their NAME, even an idiot can see that's incorrect. Unless you don't know that secular means "not belonging to a religious order." Hello?!
No, this group of radical Muslims is either behind this coup, or will take advantage of it, now that there is a void of power. It seems that these are the passionate ones who will stop at nothing to do their mission. The mission is "caliphate" - which is to spread Islam to the entire world. I've noticed that the Muslim religion has a perverted twist for each facet of the Christian faith. Christians want to evangelize the world with love, Islam will force their beliefs and laws with killing. Christians have martyrs, Islam has suicide bombers that kill innocent people. Christians give the most freedom to women; Islam treats them like slaves. Christians forgive sins i.e. adultery; Islam stones them to death.
Today Iran's dictator Ahmadinejad says there will be a new Middle East. He's the one that wants to blow Israel off the face of the earth. If the Muslims would not let the radicals take over, then they would have a chance of peace. If they would condemn acts like 9-11 and not follow the radicals, then it could go back to how it was 30-40 years ago. But they remain silent. Are they afraid or do they really believe the rhetoric? I would certainly bet that things are only going to get worse in the Middle East....
And here in America? We had better listen to the words out of Western Europe this week.... That "multi-culturalism has failed." The Muslims that have moved into Britain and France, are not assimilating, nor do they want to. They are only coming to take over, little by little, and they have proven to be patient. The men who committed the murders of innocent lives on 9-11, took their time in their plan. And then one day... they executed. They executed their plan and they executed over 3,000 people that day. And little by little, they advance here in the U.S. They probably laugh that we don't profile here. There have been lots of stories about them doing dry runs on airplanes and acting erratic, and then when people report them, they say we are prejudiced.
Today Obama said he heard of Mubarak's resignation on the news. Wow... really makes you feel secure, doesn't it.... I find it all disturbing, so I find solace in the quote, "I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future."