Sunday, February 27, 2011

Live Texting the Oscar's Red Carpet

My older daughter and I like to text each other our Red carpet comments - here they are:
Alex: Jennifer Lawrence looks really pretty. She's a nominee but I have no idea who she is
Me: I'm at grocery store, dang, be home soon
Alex: She's in red and has her hair down. Love hair down.
Me: Yes!
Alex: Mila Kunic looks gorgeous
Me: Almost home
Alex: Mandy Moore looks matronly
Me: Are you on E?
Alex: Yup
Alex: Her dress is pretty though
Me: Michelle Williams always looks like Peter Pan
Me: I didn't see Mandy Moore
Alex: Michelle looks good
Alex: Can't see the detail in her dress
Me: She's pretty in a wholesome way
Me: I'm not digging Amy Adams' dress
Me: She's pretty though
Me: No red on red carpet!!
Alex: Not at all
Alex: It's too dark
Alex: I really don't like Amy Adams look
Me: Mila DOES look gorgeous
Me: Guilianne looks like an alien
Alex: She looks like E.T.
Alex: E.T. in drag
Alex: Love the lavender (Mila)
Me: Yes!
Me: I love cute lil Ryan Seacrest
Me: Mandy Moore does look matronly but I like the dress
Me: That lil True Grit girl looks great
Me: Mark Ruffalo's wife's dress is psychophrenic
Alex: Jennifer Hudson has a little too much boob going on
Me: Yes
Me: Florence Welch dress is awful, like thrift store
Me: Ugh - Cate Blanchett
Me: Always looks like an ironing board
Alex: Cate Blanchett hair is great but that dress is ODD
Alex: There are no words for that dress
Me: hahah TOO MUCH
Me: Jennifer Hudson's dress looks like bathing suit
Alex: So true
Me: Blanchett's dress is odd, you're right
Me: I can't stand Scarlett Johannson
Me: She just looks arrogant
Alex: Her dress has a good back but I hate maroon
Me: Me too, not her best color
Alex: Marissa Tomei looks terrible!!!!!
Me: Florence Welch - yack
Alex: It's like a fashion student made it
Me: Sharon Stone looks very movie star
Me: Very sultry
Alex: Sharon Stone looks like Elvira
Me: Only she can pull off black at Oscars
Alex: No she can't
Me: She looks good for her age, she's 53
Alex: Black dresses are a deal breaker for me
Me: Yes, almost always for me
Me: I kinda like Marissa Tomei's dress, needs jewelry
Alex: It's terrible. What is wrong with your eye balls?!
Me: I like campy sometimes
Me: But she could've done WAY better
Me: It's costume-y
Alex: It's boring and black and I am not a fan
Me: Yeah, she's a cute girl and could've worn much better
Me: Hilary Swank looks fab
Me: Helena Bonham Carter is the real Elvira
Me: a big spider
Alex: Always
Me: Black widow!!!
Me: Hilary needs jewelry
Alex: Hilary's look bores me
Me: I like it but needs accessorizing
Alex: Snore
Me: Nicole Kidman is disappointing
Alex: Keith Urban needs to cut his Billy Ray Cyrus hair
Me: Mullet, Baby! Popular in Tennessee?
Alex: Mullet with highlights
Me: Jennifer Lawrence's dress is like Farrah Fawcett's famous red bathing suit
Alex: It's hot though
Me: Yeah
Alex: If you got it, flaunt it
Me: Helen Mirren looks pretty
Me: Celine Dion is finally aging some
Me: Penelope Cruz lost all baby fat & looks good
Alex: Hugh Jackman is a doll
Me: Love him
Alex: Penelope does look awesome for just having a baby
Me: Halle Berry is stunning
Alex: Yes, but like Hilary Swank I feel the look has been done
Me: Agree
Alex: But pretty yes
Me: Reese Witherspoon is 60's Barbie! Cute!
Alex: Reese looks like that very first Barbie
Alex: It's cute
Me: Hate Nicole Kidman's dress
Alex: her dress is awful!!!!!
Me: Yack
Alex: Penelope's dress is a little too much
Me: Hot chili pepper
Me: (seeing Matthew McConaghey) Alright Alright Alright
Me: All the bathing suit dresses look 70s
Alex: Matts wife is pretty in black
Me: Fab figure
Me: Gwenyth Paltrow? Bleh
Alex: Snore
Me: Yeah, she coulda done way better too
Me: And if I was Jessica Biel, I would break up with JT for taking his mommy on red carpet instead of her
Alex: I'm not even sure they are dating any more
Me: Christian Bale is weird
Alex: He is so full of himself
Me: Sandra Bullock looks pretty
Me: like her in red
Alex: I'm not a fan
Me: usually I don't like red on red carpet
Alex: It is that old strapless dress with up do that kills me
Alex: Mix it up
Me: True
Me: Gwenith looks unique
Alex: True, it's new and I appreciate that
Alex: But it's a little space age
Me: or retro
Me: Sandra Bullock looks pissed
Alex: Bad memories of the douche bag
Me: Yeah, Jesse Jerk James
Me: Nicole Kidman is worst dressed
Me: It's stupid
Me: who's your favorite
Me: Reese is my fav so far
Alex: Mila I think
Me: Oh yes, I think she's the best too
Alex: Where is Natalie?
Me: True!! Maybe since pregnant
Alex: And Annette and Julianne Moore
Me: yeah
Me: Natalie, bleh
Alex: Nat is in maroon
Alex: I like the dress but not the color
Me: Agree
Alex: Mila and Jennifer Lawrence were best dressed
Me: For me, Mila and Reese
Alex: This is so hard to watch
Me: Awkward
Me: No flow
Alex: I'm cringing!!!!
Alex: Ahhhhh sooooo awkward
Me: going to have LOW ratings
Me: I'm going to wash my hair in a minute, will be more exciting
Alex: James Franco is about as exciting as watching paint dry
Me: Melissa Leo wins her 1st Oscar and drops the F bomb???
Alex: No class
Me: I know!
Me: James Franco's teeth are REAL yellow - yuck
Alex: I may turn this off
Me: She was awful & Kirk Douglas? I'm sorry but NO
Alex: I'm speechless
Me: it's so bad I'm laughing AT them
Alex: I'm cringing
Me: Ann Hathaway is embarressing too
Alex: she seems tipsy
Me: definitely
Alex: Its like she thinks she's on Sat nite live or something
Alex: Why does Ann Hathaway keep wooing like this is a football game?