Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The eagle has landed...

Soon I will be back to full strength, mentally and physically.... It's been a rough few weeks. But I've already registered DD for her junior year in high school, and school starts on August 26th here in Texas, and then maybe we can get back to some semblance of normalcy. 

What's odd to me, is that whenever George W. was president, if there were any homeless, or anti-war demonstrators, or just people upset with rising gas prices, we saw photos and videos and stories ad nauseum in the media. Now? They are strangely silent. People I know are suffering worse than they have in my Baby Boomer lifetime, and the media is guilty by association. They have become like the old Soviet Union propaganda machine rags in the 60's and 70's. Gas prices are killing people. My ex-husband, who is unemployed, can't go anywhere because gas is too expensive. And yes, there are jobs out there, but they are all minimum wage type jobs with no insurance that the high schoolers can do.
I am frustrated because a lot of Americans just listen to the media tell them what to think. Right now things are BAD, but you'd never know it from our 'lying by omission' mainstream media.
Here's another thing - I know I'm being listened to on my cell phone. At first my family did not believe me, but they cut off my phone calls often, and we can hear them breathing, and a few weeks ago, I heard them talking in a hushed tone. Yes, I follow the Tea Party on Facebook and that's none of their business. This group in the White House has deemed conservatives like me the enemy, and not the terrorists who committed 9-11, among many others. And all of the president's executive orders are blatantly sidestepping our due course of law under the constitution that he has no regard for, and has said such. Remember when the presidents are sworn in and vow to uphold the constitution? But then presidents are supposed to have been born in this country, and even that is questionable...
Also I read (for the second year in a row) that the first family's dog Bo was flown separately to Martha's Vineyard this week. I commented on this last year too... I mean, the cost alone is a reason not to do this but I also read that there is some sort of Muslim rule about this, which again raises questions of what this president's true faith in his heart is. Anyone can call themselves anything - but actions are the proof.  This president SAYS he's a Christian, but where's the proof? He attended a black liberation church, which was just a guise for a political organization in order to get tax-free status. It's all depressing.
And I'm not the only one noticing. People are wanting to leave the United States for the first time that I can remember. Even this week was the homeschool family that decided this country was not for them anymore, and set sail for an island. I've even read that it is Africa that is sending missionaries to the United States, rather than vice-versa, as it has been for the last hundred years, to save the lost.
Are our best days behind us?