Thursday, August 29, 2013

Make Love, Not War??

One of my client's son is a marine, and she is so proud of him. I see her every Tuesday and often ask how he is. This week she said, "Oh, he's in Hawaii." I responded, "Wow, lucky guy!" She glanced sideways and said, "He's on a warship with missiles, and they are heading to the Philippines or South Korea..." I said, "Oooohhhh..."
It's a few days later, and it seems to be common knowledge now, since it's on lots of foreign websites as the American media refuse to report any real news. I'm also one of the first to say, where is the anti-war crowd?? And the liberals who kept screaming at Bush when he was president, where are they?  Obama is circumventing congress AND the United Nations, which Bush was NEVER allowed to do. And Obama evidently doesn't need any weapons inspectors; we're just supposed to take his word (and that of John Kerry) that they know for sure (after 3 days) that chemical weapons (aka weapons of mass destruction - there's a word you don't hear anymore) were perpetrated by Assad and not the rebels. Almost all conservatives are totally against the USA attacking Syria, especially because Russia is promising "dire consequences" for the USA and Iran is promising to rain missiles over Israel (although I'm not sure what they have to do with it except all middle eastern countries hate them and will use any excuse to bomb them.) Glenn Beck is saying that an attack by the US will start World War III and that this is really not a punishment to Assad, but rather a way for the current administration to force a 'regime change' in Syria.
As an evangelical Christian conservative, I am against getting into yet another war, and think the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have gone on long enough. And the hypocritical liberals seem to be against war only if a Republican is president.
Where is Cindy Sheehan when you need her??