Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Preaching to the choir..."

Just a quick post since I've been burning the candles at both ends for the past week, and don't have time for much... I've had the Republican convention on tonight and have watched the important speeches and I must say that most seem so scripted and lackluster. Ann Romney was the only one I could really connect with, and thought she seems very honest, very sincere, and very real.
The Republicans need to stick with the economy only. It's what's on our mind. If they don't fix the economy, then all of the other issues are a moot point. Am I totally against abortion and think it's murder? Yes! But births are down since this mess started in 2008, and with children in their child-bearing years, both older kids are saying they cannot even afford to bring a child into this terrible mess. The Republicans don't seem to be taking this terrible disintegration of America as seriously as they should be. We are at the edge of the cliff. We can't keep saying platitudes and let everyone be rah-rah. We need to do like Reagan used to do, and get real people, saying real things about real situations. And maybe they will -- it's only the first night. But they better listen up. Because the liberals are pretty good at garnering emotion lately, and that's what Americans are responding to.
Everyone is suffering. Everyone is worried. Everyone (with a brain) knows these problems aren't going away any time soon, but at the very least want to see SOMEONE stop this freight train to hell, and then turn it around, and start it chugging in the right direction. Mitt Romney had better be the most sincere and relatable he has ever been when he speaks later this week. The mainstream media is not covering this, and the Fox News coverage is "preaching to the choir." All the MSM will do is pick 10 second snippets of THEIR choice, or we will see a short headline about their take on the speeches they've heard through their liberal filter.
Wake up Republicans. Most of us are only responding to economic solutions because it's at the fore-front of our minds. We're worried about the cost of NEEDS -- food, fuel, and cost of living. Because at the end of the day, those are our priorities. We are alarmed at the liberals taking us "forward" into their scary agenda. And we want America to return to how it was even five years ago. But the clock is ticking. And the deficit is growing by the minute.
Tick. Tick. Tick....