Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required." - Luke 12:48

I am done with the mainstream media... Completely done... And I am so angry, that I don't even know where to direct my anger. I BLAME YOU, MAINSTREAM MEDIA, for screwing this country up, and sending us on a highway to hell that we may never come out of!!
The most recent story that angers me more than anything is the press (make that the New York Times, but then they are the benchmark for all media, aren't they??) who ripped Olympic athlete Lolo Jones because she's a virgin. The MSM has also been an accomplice in seeking to destroy Tim Tebow, also a self described virgin as well.
Why can't they just leave these people alone?!? It's their CHOICE. I thought we are still FREE in America to do as we wish, unless it harms someone else. And here are two people who are choosing to remain disease-free, and save themselves for their spouses like the Bible says to do.
Oh, you got it. Therein lies the rub. Mainstream media types are vile and disgusting and will mock anyone who doesn't stoop to their depraved lifestyle. Why is abstinence such a "sin" to these types? I'll tell you. It makes them feel bad. It makes them feel guilty. Because deep down MOST of them have been taught right from wrong. They just feel better about it when the majority are with them. You know, "safety in numbers." Well, they need to read some other stories in the Bible too. Because God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because he couldn't find at least TEN righteous people. Ten. Don't take my word for it, read for yourselves in Genesis 18.
The mainstream media is an accomplice to the detriment of this country - to the downfall of this country. And they are so blinded, that they cannot see that they are cutting off their nose to spite their face. Someday we will all meet our Maker when we die. We will be face to face with Him and give an account of our words and actions. And although the MSM types will shake their finger in the face of God and say, "I don't believe in You,"  I am reminded that God says in His word that, "EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Bow now or bow later.
It's your choice...