Sunday, August 12, 2012

Need some R&R

Was out of town over the weekend, so am only now able to post.... The biggest news this weekend was that Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan to run on his ticket as vice president. My initial response? That it wouldn't hurt him.... but I didn't see how it was a very exciting pick either....
My choice was Marco Rubio by a long shot. He's young. He's brilliant. He's Cuban-Hispanic. He's handsome. He's charismatic. But then I realized, those are the reasons Romney did NOT choose him. Rubio would overshadow Romney, much like Sarah Palin did for John McCain. All the talk would be about the up-and-comer Rubio, instead of on Romney, and that would have stolen his thunder.
My friend commented that he liked the pick; that it would show America that it's the ticket that would get business moving again and pull us out of this deep recession. Yes, it's two white guys but it's two white guys that are smart, financial savvy, love America and are not prejudiced. And Paul Ryan is Catholic and conservative, so most figure that will fire up the pro-Life Republican base to get out there and fight in these last three months of the race.
I guess the more I think about it, the more Ryan grows on me. And it better.
November will be here before we know it...