Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future..."

It's been pretty crazy lately... the end of the school year always is. I've been wanting to share something that has been on my heart. I don't think too many read this blog, but if you're a regular reader, then I need to tell you this.
ALL of the prophets in the United States are hearing the same thing. We are going to have a financial collapse. No matter who wins the presidential election in November. Evidently we are past the point of no return. Yes, I've heard financial wizards say it, but now the prophets are hearing that from God.
I'm not sure if I can personally prepare. I don't have savings or extra money to buy food or water. I am trying to keep my head above water. There are no jobs for the unemployed, and what few are hiring have hundreds, if not thousands of applicants. My son is talking about moving to Canada for an oil job. And my unemployed ex-husband is at a loss of what to do, after he was laid off of his job of 30 years.
If you know who Hal Lindsay is, he was recently in my biggest advertising account, a car dealership here in Texas, and was sharing with the salesman that the Lord told him he needed to get out of California while he could because it was going to get really bad. Others are saying it too.
As I say, I don't know how to prepare, but didn't want you to be surprised when it happens. And remember this, that God promises to take care of His children's needs.
It's a promise...