Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"We cannot waste time; we can only waste ourselves."

Seems that the only thing any one is talking about is Charlie Sheen, so I will quickly weigh in. Lately he kind of reminds me of Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump when he was on the mast of the ship in a hurricane and yells at God, "You call this a STORM??!!" He is posturing and saying that he has a rock star life and everyone else is just jealous. He's got a porn star and former nanny(?) living with him, that he calls his "goddesses," who of course are just using him for his money and fame. He's had some clean drug tests this week, but if you watch his antics, it's clear that the withdrawal or lack of drugs is clearly affecting him. Dr. Drew noticed that he seems to be having mood swings that seem very bi-polar. And his ego and his money and his stardom and his drug habit are coming together for the perfect storm. And it does seem that as we watch this terrible train wreck very similar to when Britney Spears went off the reservation and shaved her head, that this will not end well without intervention by SOMEONE. And it also seems that many in the media almost want him to crash so they can report it and say they predicted it and have their story for the next several months, like all the ones that have crashed and burned and gone before....

And me? Well it's painful to watch. His train is so far off the rails that it will take a miracle to get him to want help. When you're an addict, your body takes over your mind and you're no longer a reasonable person. All you can think about is feeding the beast, and right now, he's not feeding his drug beast, but he is feeding his porn and sex addiction and I'm sure other things as well. He doesn't think he has a problem, which is the first step of AA's 10 steps - admit it. He thinks he can just say mind over matter, and he can conquer his demons. And make no mistake, he has demons. Due to the addictions, he cannot see that he has four young children who need a present father. He cannot see that he has just thrown away the best gig of his life. Or that he's become a joke to society, and is the Hollywood train wreck du jour.
I care about every soul, I truly do. And I hope that God will have mercy on him, again, so that he can sober up with his blindfold removed, and can see what's really happening in his life.