Friday, March 25, 2011

"We are always the same age inside." - Gertrude Stein

My youngest child thinks I'm a dinosaur. Yes, I had her at the end of my biological clock, unlike my older 2 children, my "Irish twins," (just learned this term this week - it's a moniker for children born a year apart, thus you're raising them like twins.) This exactly describes Bubba & Sissy, who always had to have the very same thing as the other - tit for tat.

But DD doesn't have any siblings at home since the older two are 16 and 17 years older and since I am much older, she thinks the world has changed too much for me to understand what it's like being a teen these days. Little does she know that I am exactly the same as I was when I was 20, it's just my body that is older. The only thing that's different is hormones but I FEEL 20 and truly am surprised every time I look in the mirror and see my mother's image! I will pass a mirror at the mall and think who IS that? Oh, it's me.... ugh. It's so strange getting older. People are starting to say "Maam" to me. AAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!! No please, not that!! I can see why people want to have a face lift. You want to count. You want to be relevant. And you want to be attractive since you get more attention.
Some day DD will understand... Time marches on but people stay the same no matter what age they are. And in my experience, everyone I know now is exactly like they were in 6th grade. Your personality is set by that time. Yes, you have experiences and hopefully, get wiser. But your personality? It's set in stone... I love the quote, "I'm not 40, I'm 18 with 22 years experience."
Now that pretty much says it all...
(Photos of me and DD in our respective 6th grade years)