Monday, October 7, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Here are my random thoughts while I sit here at work waiting for ad approvals. The politicians are playing "chicken" with our lives. You know, the car game played in the 50's like in the movie "Grease," where two cars charge at each other head on and unless one of them moves out of the way, then they will collide head-on. And the one that doesn't move is the "winner." Uh yeah...
This is what we call in Texas, a "Mexican stand-off." I don't even know where that saying came from, but this is the exact scenario, when both sides won't budge. I'm not saying I want the Republicans to give in, just that it's clear the Democrats won't give in either.
Then we read that the Park Service was told to make this "as miserable on us as possible." And that the Amber Alerts weren't working (until there was a public outcry.) And that the commissaries weren't open for the military (although I heard on San Antonio radio that they will open, probably due to public outcry.)  I heard that this is the first government shutdown where military vets cannot enter the memorials, and it's been clear with the wiring the gates shut, how this regime views the military. And then today saw this, "Obama closes 1,100 square miles of ocean to charter fishing." We've heard that parks that are NOT the national parks have been closed, and places like Mount Rushmore have been illegally closed. And just now read this on Drudge, "National Park Rangers ordered to keep visitors out of privately run businesses."
Regarding the government shutdown, as usual both sides are declaring they are winning in this new "Civil War" that is the United States of America.
United? Nothing could be further from the truth...