Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I have a dream...

Earlier today my older daughter Alex pointed out something that is true - when a beautiful, young, Dancing With the Stars dancer, singer and now actress (Julianne Hough) dresses up in 'black face' for Halloween, everyone cuts her all kinds of slack but when Baby Boomer aged, Southern with an accent, 'rich,' nationally known cook Paula Dean said the N word thirty years ago, she is tarred and feathered and loses almost all advertisers and sponsors... She cries for months and says she's sorry, but it's never enough for the new 'race police,' who randomly pick whom they will label 'racist' or whom is pulled off the chopping block.
Race relations are much worse in the last four years of the current president, and it seems to me that he has an agenda of payback to the current whites, who were NOT responsible or involved with the previous slavery of African-Americans. I was also reading today that in the new Obamacare, that individuals aged 76 or older will not be eligible for cancer treatment (see page 272 in the bill.)
I'm wondering if this is so the older 'racists' will all be killed off???