Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Tomorrow is another day..." - Scarlett O'Hara

I'm sorry for just posting my tweets & commentary this week.... Yes, I'm one of the millions of people who are extremely disappointed in how everything has been going with our government. The "Shutdown." The president trying to "inflict as much pain as possible." The terrible (not so) Civil War. I've even been arguing with my grown son this evening, as he is just as passionate a liberal as I am  conservative. He's been brain washed by the lying mainstream media, and it is completely frustrating. My income is dwindling, as I am on straight commission, and although there are still advertisers, they are all down sizing. I am truly living by faith. I am trying so hard not to worry about the future, but it's easier said than done. My ex husband has been looking hard for a job for over a year, and life just looks very grim.
Here are my tweets/commentary:
-- Thousands believe in religion based off the Star Wars franchise... Isn't this completely depressing? It's the SEVENTH largest religion in England...
-- Stenographers bizarre outburst during House vote stuns Congress members... This is my only good news for the day. The long-time stenographer said she felt lead by God to address the House over the error of their ways. Good for her to obey God; they certainly aren't.
-- Pentagon refuses to say if it would stop priest from giving last rites to dying serviceman... Yeah, I'll bet they refuse to say... because it won't be what we would want to hear.
--Interior Department to spend $600K to radio track bats... We are 17 trillion in debt but we are spending this amount on tracking bats??
-- Mystery: Debt went unchanged for 150 days... It's all Monopoly money, right?!?
-- Where do public school teachers send their own kids?... One guess. Oh, alright, private schools.
-- Father sent to jail and barred from seeing son for possessing a gun... This is so completely disturbing. This is the cutest father, and the cutest son, and this desperate father has been banned from seeing his young son for four years after he was found with an unloaded gun he legally owned in the back of his car among his possessions as he moved houses. He was arrested in 2009 as he was moving back from Colorado to New Jersey to be near his child after a divorce. He was later convicted of possessing a gun and sentenced to seven years' prison.