Monday, October 28, 2013


Today's tweets and comments:
-- City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law...Wake up Americans; it's all a part of their plan. Use our stupid politically correct mannerisms to let their law creep into our society. No, we ought to say absolutely not. In this country we are free until we infringe on someone else's rights; and 'killing the infidel' infringes on our right to life. 
-- MSM Warns Obama's Secret Government on 'Face the Nation'...Again, Wake up Americans. This story is on mainstream media. It's scary and shocking and ought to have everyone talking...
-- New Docs (documents) raise questions about timing of order to suspend anti-Christian army training materials...Yes, new military material classifies the Tea Party and evangelical Christians as 'Hate groups' 
-- Beast Tech: Secret Plan to mark the world?.... The Bible says in the end times the Anti-Christ will want everyone to take a mark in order to buy and sell, which is exactly what this is. It's in Obamacare (the one they didn't read) and whoever gets the 'mark of the beast' goes to hell.
-- Benghazi attorney's: 'Reason to Believe' people who 'insisted' on military response that night were relieved of duty - Yes, there have been a lot of firing of brass lately when they disagree with Obama
-- Big Brother wants to tax your car mileage and put a black box in every car... Again, are we slaves? Do we have to be tracked?? And watched on infinite cameras?? 
-- Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' is standard Arab textbook... Yes, and they unite on hating Jews and wanting to exterminate (kill)  them
-- SEAL veteran: Military leaders being asked if they will disarm Americans - We are there. It has not been WE the People in a while - it's now them and us. 
-- NBC: All Americans will receive a microchip implant in 2017 per Obamacare.... So what happens if we don't??
-- D.C. businessman faces two years in jail for unregistered ammunition, brass casing... Disgusting
-- Fellow billionaires move to take down the Tea Party... Yep, follow the money - always follow the money