Saturday, October 5, 2013

"We all grow up with the weight of history on us." - Shirley Abbott

My youngest child, DD, was born at the end of my 'biological' clock. (Actually I had her so late, I didn't even know it was possible.) Her two siblings are grown and gone, and her grandparents passed away when she was a toddler. My brother and sister don't live in our town, so she really has no family around, and gets sad about that often. In our small town, the settlers of this area were big on family, so there are tons of huge family reunions and they pass down their ranches, homes and businesses to the next generations.
DD was asking about her ancestors, and I was explaining the bloodline, and who was married to who. She noticed right away, that the divorces in the family really messed things up and made for weird family trees. I pointed out that bloodlines were very important to God, because He shows Jesus' bloodline, and mentions family trees all through His Word. Actually, blood is very important to God - very, very important. In the Old Testament, the Jews atoned yearly for their sins with a lamb's blood sacrifice and pushed them forward one year. Then Jesus was the ultimate blood sacrifice, as He shed His own blood for us, and pushed those sins away forever. And, if you study what Christians are told not to do, drinking blood is forbidden even today. Thus, the vampire mentality of rebellion for those that choose not to follow Jesus.
Too, bloodlines are another reason to be against same-sex marriage or any marriage that is not one man and one woman. If you look at marriage in God's eyes, it is a sexual covenant (agreement) to be faithful, and seems important to God to procreate. He designed men and women's bodies to join for sex and procreation. And, unlike what Catholics believe, I can read in Songs of Solomon in the Bible, that sex is also for enjoyment for a married couple, and not just procreation as the Catholic church teaches. (Catholics are right in so many areas, but get it wrong here.) My beliefs? If it's in the Bible, I believe it - if not, then I don't - pretty simple, but I digress. My point is that God did not design men to be with men sexually, or women with women. And marriage is important to God; He did His first miracle at a wedding. And marriage is one man and one woman.