Monday, September 23, 2013

"If a man does not to choose to work, neither shall he eat." - 2 Thess. 3:10

Today I read a story that reports that the 10 commandments monument in Washington D.C. was toppled and I think it's symbolic of American society in our current day...
As I was driving this weekend, I was thinking that the last two elections were really about morality. For the most part, liberals (a.k.a. Democrats) don't want conservatives to enforce their rules of morality on them. It was never about race or money or anti-war... it has always been about liberals having the freedom for "free love" (sex) when they want to, abortions (murder) when they want to, get high (legalize marijuana and more) when they want to, get married to a same-sex person when they want to.
And yes, these type of people want everyone else to pay for their liberal lifestyles, and associate the "rich, white guy" as the most evil thing they can think of and the person standing in their way of their wanton wants.
They are usually anti-God because that convicts them of their lifestyles, so they do things like boo God at the Democratic conventions. They want the same perks of the wealthy, yet are not willing to work for them. They have an entitlement mentality that says they want the good stuff, so they want to punish the people who work for it (or were born into it) and are fine with the idea of socialism and communism because it's the opposite of evil capitalism. You see, they just want to redistribute all of  the wealth because they either don't believe in themselves to attain the goal of getting wealthy or they are just too lazy to try. They only want to anesthetize themselves for the moment and not worry or plan for tomorrow - that's up to someone else. They want "free" healthcare and "free" phones and "free" food, not caring or else understanding that there is no such thing as "free" anything. Someone somewhere has to supply the money for it, and they are either too dumb to see that or too selfish to care. I think the mentality of all of this started in the 60's out of jealousy. That's when the rebellion started - the "stick it to the man" mantra was developing. In the past, we could spot these types because they looked like hippies, but today these Bill Ayers types have assimilated into society and we can't spot them until they open their mouths.
They took over education and Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts and anything else they could and got in on grass roots levels to influence the next generations, and they have succeeded. Now they wish to stop home schooling and any type of parental influence, and have started "public" schooling as toddlers. Government even offers to pay for your children's food in the summers, but always at a "price." They want control over your life in return. That's what Obamacare and all other Democrat ideas are designed for.
If we want America to return to any semblance of how it was 50 years ago, then it will start with God. He is the One that convicts and changes one from the inside out.
It will HAVE to start with God...