Monday, April 7, 2014

"Is that all there is??"

A few months ago, my ex-husband and a few older guys from his church were at their church's campgrounds outside of Austin to clean up after the strange flashflood. One of the men didn't even go to the church, but was a friend of one of the guys, and was helping. As they rode in golf cars, the pastor's son, an 8th grader, somehow got one of the wheels in a crack and, as they went over a bridge, it threw them all out.  My ex was behind them and saw the whole thing. All the men were fine, except the guy I mentioned, who was thrown into a rock ravine with head injuries. He was in ICU in Austin for a month, and, the last I heard, was having to relearn speech with his head injury. He will never be the same. He is not married (nor ever has been), is in his late fifties, and had no health insurance. I say this to say, that his bazillion dollar bill will never be able to be paid. Like cancer, this catastrophic health issue will break him -- if he can ever work again. These are the issues that the Republicans are going to have to figure out when they offer their own healthcare version for the nation....
Life continues to be hard... on my better days, I'm thankful to be alive and counting my blessings. On my harder days, I can hear the Peggy Lee song, "Is that all there is? Then let's keep dancing..." and I have a pity party. I can tell you, that for those of us struggling paycheck to paycheck, it's hard to have hope about the future. Yes, I know God promises to take care of my needs... and He has. I guess I'll be quiet.

Here are some of my recent tweets and commentary:
-- Nigerian man beheads father, then eats his neck: police - Yes, this sort of thing used to shock me but not so much now. Evil is growing on this planet, and the PC police in this country might want to rethink how they are trying to remove prayer and God from society or this will be our future
-- #MH370 Search: Ocean Shield Highly Suspicious. 7 Days, No Update on location. Why? -- If you read the story, they have photos of it sitting in dock, and said they are lying that it is even out searching...
-- Insider reveals 21st Century Illuminati agenda including drug legalization -- Yes, and a whole lot more of depressing & distressing information in a book that is quite nauseating. You might check it out. The end game looks bad - I woke up thinking about what kind of world my young grandsons will inherit...
-- Banker Murder-Suicide? Dutch Banker found dead in home with wife and daughter - Okay, why aren't people making more of all of the many, many "suicides" where bankers are "jumping" out of high-rise buildings??? There's no such thing as a coincidence - the odds of these all being suicides are probably one in a bazillion...
-- Sharia insanity: Nine month old booked for murder in Pakistan -- Okay, I saw this all over Facebook with my fellow conservatives, but haven't seen it on MSM. It's official - Pakistani's are completely stupid, evil, and beyond any of our understanding this sort of thing...
-- Leaked recording: Russian ambassadors discuss invasion of Miami & California - I've thought about this. For real?? Did they say this to see if it got leaked?? And what would happen anyway?? It's not like the current administration would care. We will have no bullets/ammunition and none of the girly-men would want to fight anyway... Which reminds me of what I liked somewhat about the Country Music awards last night -- for the most part, men are men, and women are women - that's a rarity on tv these days...
-- White people are devils, black men are god - rapper's allah says so - Well before you laugh, the rapper is Jay Z, who is worshipped in the younger generation, along with his good-gone-bad wife Beyonce (a little sidenote, my high schooler says in the kindergarten class she helps in, there is a girl named Beyonce - I rest my case.) It seems Jay Z wears jewelry and subscribes to the idealogy of "Five Percent" who wants to kill all white people (sort of like Muslims want to kill all non-Muslims.) Remember that Jay Z and wife are invited to the White House often and are big chums with the prez and wife. They've said that Beyonce is a great role model yet her videos are soft porn. Again, are you reading this in anything but alternative media???

Depressed yet????