Friday, April 11, 2014

"He who keeps his cool best, wins." - Norman Cousins

Here are all of the thoughts running around in my head... Ummmm, thank God it's Friday? The weeks are really long at my new job. I've been there two months now but am making much less than my last job (I am on straight commission again - so if I don't sell, I don't make money) The difference this time is my boss doesn't pay me until SHE gets paid.... It looks like it will break open at some point and things will get much better, but...
Yes, I still have a fascination with the missing 777. It just is everything that's wrong with the world these days. All of the governments lying. The mainstream media pushing what they want, and of course for ratings. No wreckage found. Some pings at the end of the clock for the black box recorder, allegedly at the bottom of a very deep part of the Indian Ocean, 15,000 feet. Alleged contact from the American with IBM. No one is allowed to go to Diego Garcia. So yes, conspiracy theories abound but the fact remains. There was a humongous jet with 238 souls on board and it was not a military jet. It's been over a month now and the world still doesn't really know what happened to it??? Yesterday I read that Britain is colluding with the United States about hiding the truth, but who really knows?? Evidently the Malaysian government knows more than they're saying so why are they hiding it?? What about the Chinese?? I mean we can all relate to flying and getting on a jumbo jet and trusting that we will probably get there. Most of us would think it's relatively safe to fly overseas, especially in that big of a jet. And most of us would trust that, at least with non-military people, that the truth would be told but alas... no such luck.
Finally, as I listen to all of the American politics for the week, it occurs to me that conservatives will only win elections if they do this: make conservatism cool. THIS is how the liberals have won elections. They get all of the "cool" people, like Hollywood and sports figures and rock stars, and they tell you if you are cool too, you will vote for Democrats. They insinuate that you're a fuddy duddy if you vote for the Republicans and extremely uncool. They even say you're racist if you vote for conservatives, so in the last two presidential elections,  easily influenced white people thought they were really cool and forward thinking to vote for the half-black, Harvard educated man who parties with Jay Z and Beyonce and goes on late night talk shows and picks basketball winners. All the while Democrats did all of their voting fraud and cheating behind the scenes and even spying on Americans and media, but the face they marketed was to be a part of the cool crowd, and be "popular" by voting for the man with the unusual name. Never mind that his birth certificate seemed fake and that no one remembered him at the prestigious colleges he went to. Never mind that he did drugs, and not just weed. Never mind that there were lots of weird things being said about the guy. He could give a good speech (albeit from the teleprompter) and Bush had embarressed them in his terrible delivery. No, the man with the funny name looks African-American, and this country likes savvy marketing. This country falls for it every time. Here was a black man who parties with the big shots and golfs with the big shots and is condescending. Here was a man who could eliminate 'white guilt for past slavery' (even though none of us have slaves or are for slavery or know someone that had a slave.) No, we got suckered into savvy marketing which Americans are famous for.
Well, guess what?? I'm in marketing and the next elections are win-able with the perfect marketing strategy. And they had better figure it out right now or we will go on down the drain that we are currently spinning around.
And, oh yeah, I'm available....