Monday, February 3, 2014

Winners never quit and quitters never win...

That was the worst Super Bowl I've ever seen.... poor Denver. That's got to be SO embarressing. Around 4:30 yesterday I asked DD if she was invited to a Super Bowl party, knowing some of the church youth groups were having get-togethers. She said that she had invited all her friends to watch it at our house. :/
 So... I ran to the grocery store, and most dips were sold out, but I got the last cheese tray in the shape of Texas, and since they were out of bean dip, I had to get some gross generic kind that was horrid. And then some chips and drinks and made it home for kickoff.
Little did I know, there was no reason to hurry home...
I watched a lot of commercials, but by the time they all were here, I left the room, since they seemed to be a less comfortable when I was in the room. We all liked Bruno Mars at halftime and then they all left for another house after eating all the food.
But at least I was at a Super Bowl party...
And I am completely discombobulated this week. I quit my job on Friday, since I've accepted a new job in my tourist town for some tourist publications that I am very excited about. Who quits their job these days?? Who hires these days?? Who decides to take a job that is straight commission these days??
Well, I guess me... the new boss is awesome and the old boss is a mess (those of you who have followed for years know how verbally abusive she has been, and awful and unfair.) It feels like I have left an abusive husband, and it feels good and scary and yucky and exhilarating... Both jobs are straight commission but that can be good and bad.
I'm not going to let this stupid economy stop me. "With God all things are possible." and "apart from Him, you can do nothing..."
I'm praying a lot...