Monday, February 10, 2014

All the news that's fit to print... or not

Here are some of my recent tweets:
-- "He's wearing a diaper!": TSA agent humiliates cancer victim - This disgusts me on SO many levels... the mockery, the inhumanity, the cockiness...
-- Hannity leaving NY after all? House on market for $3.6 million - Good. Take your money out of NY Sean. You're welcome here in Texas... You better get out while you can
-- Peter Fonda bashes President Obama in Cannes: 'Your a F*cking Traitor' - Love this. Even the environment old Hollywood types are mad at Obama and feel betrayed...
-- Rosie O'Donnel outraged her son joined the military, "He did it to annoy his left-wing pacifist mother" - No Rosie. Maybe he needs men around him to learn how to be a man. Maybe, just maybe, he's proud of our country and wants to fight for freedom. Maybe he will love the comraderie of other guys having his back. You should be proud instead of ashamed, but we expect nothing less of you
-- White House admits lying about Obama meeting Kenyan uncle - Why? Because they got caught and had no other option to admit lying??
-- 'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake - Sad. Disturbing. Curious.
-- The shocking simulation involving a U.S. Aircraft carrier and Israeli cities that Iranian State TV aired - Yeah, but you wont' see it in the US, we have to learn about it in alternative media
-- Keith Olbermann: Iraq vet, amputee an embarressment to the military - No, Keith, it is YOU that is the embarressment. That vet fought for YOUR freedom too, you worthless POS
--Man responsible for Olympic Ring mishap found dead in Sochi - Yep, KGB is at it again. He embarressed them and he's gone now
-- Cruel police officer hacks off womans hair while shes tied up in a chair - The police officer has been fired now, but they said she was not told to do this, and the abuse of power is disconcerting
-- Pot-infused 'snacks' are becoming big business - and a big concern for parents - And, as a parent, this horrifies me. There are stories in my small Texas town of people eating food with pot that they were unaware of. How can we protect our kids?
-- Castro eyewitness to Oregon Senate: "Marxism is not coming, Marxism is HERE - Yes, conservatives have known this but no one else is paying attention
-- White House Press Secretary Jay Carney calls freedom a 'buzzword' - Disgusting
-- Federal agents conduct raid on 'Machine Gun Preacher,' 'Totally destroyed' Charity's shipment - He's a preacher with guns. Do the math.
-- Texas jury refuses to indict homeowner Henry Goedrich Magee after cop killed in no-knock raid - Yeah, that's how we do it here in Texas. You break in our house, we shoot you
-- They are coming for our water - And everything else...
-- Iran retaliates by sending warships to US border - And the president and media are silent
-- Poisoned, Vomiting, hospitalized W. Va. children close schools, media still censors 'poison' word - For the media to do this is unforgiveable