Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Read til the End

Some of my tweets and commentary:
-- Evidence Both Navy Seals Found Dead on the Maersk Alabama Had Links to Boston bombing Sniper teams - If you google this, you will find some really interesting facts...
-- Soldier flagrantly avoids flag salute, sets off online outrage - this soldier is an African-American female...
-- Embattled Ukranian citizens demand a version of the right to bear arms - Yeah, they GET it...
-- Gerald Celente on Bankster suicides in newly released video report on 'The Conspiracy Show' - Why the hell aren't more people talking about this????? This is HUGE. Why is the mainstream media ignoring this???? Decades ago this news would have been HUGE, but now?? Everyone is sleeping. No one cares...
-- Both Ex-Navy Seals found dead on the Maersk Alabama died after suffering heart attacks - Really? - Again, HUGE story. We all know that there is foul play - where are the new Woodward & Bernsteins of today?? WHO will be the real news gatherers instead of state-run media??
-- Snowden" Training Guide for GCHQ, NSA agents infitrating and disrupting Alternative Media online - It is now fact that liberals are purposely infiltrating the Tea Party and other conservative groups and alternative media and try to post negative information, create stress and disrupt with organized deception...
-- Dick Cheney sees enormous long-term damage in Obama military cuts - Yes, the prez is doing what he said he would when he took office - bring down the USA as a super power - and he is succeeding...
-- Was the iPhone security flaw a mistake or NSA backdoor - I'd be more surprised if it was just a mistake...
-- The left argues for "Post-Birth" abortion, & I'm not surprised - Okay, "POST birth abortion" aka murdering a perfectly healthy baby outside of the womb - so why not let the child live and be adopted by thousands upon thousands of people who would love to raise the child??? Oh wait, that would make too much sense. That wouldn't let them kill for the sake of killing...
-- Man booted out of voting booth for wearing 2nd Amendment T-shirt - WTF?? What happened to freedom of speech on a shirt?? Where is it written someone can't do this?????
-- How are you 'weighted under ObamaCAre? Doctor explains why you need to know - Did you know that under Obamacare, that citizens between the ages of 10 and 50 are actually 'rated' higher because they're the most productive citizens of the state???? So if euthanasia is allowed (see above on Post birth abortion) then the very young and elderly will be the first to go...
-- Democrat threatens TV stations that air Anti-Obamacare ad - Typical thug Union tactics to threaten to get their way...
-- You have been targeted for internment & resettlement - Just read about it... scary stuff...
-- Allen West "Indeed, there are Islamic terrorist training camps in America" - Sigh....
-- Every child born gets government overseer - This is in Scotland, but how long until the libs think it's a great idea here??
-- World media silent as Venezuela implodes in State-sponsored terrorism - Yeah... they're silent about a lot....

Footnote: I've started a new job lately and it is taking all of my energy, both mental & physical. Too, I've been sicker than I've been in many years and started worrying after I had to go to the doctor 3 times over it - but finally it's better. Not 100%, but better. All the news lately is the most negative it's been in my lifetime, and there are days I just can't read it. I feel so helpless really. But I do know that God is still on the throne and is still the King of Kings. I've read the end of the Book. We win....