Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Freaky Friday every Freaking Day

This is the craziest time of year; every year I wish we could divide all December activities and advance half of them to January since it's dead and dreary... And my high schooler, DD, has been half sick since the last football game where it was raining and in the twenties. It's our busiest time at work, there are parties for every organization (and gifts are expected), and I still have to get my Christmas shopping done. Which is a challenge - because I have less money this year than almost every before (thanks Obama :(
Here are some random thoughts since DD was so sick last night, I could not post. On Obama's selfie. My reaction was early on before all the media jumped in, and all I could think of was how class-less he is. He was at a MEMORIAL (funeral) and was acting like a teenager. Evidently there is a tumblr site called "selfies at funerals" which had closed, but reopened it yesterday to post the ultimate "selfie at a funeral." And then I had all of the "what if's" - thinking that if Romney had won president, how classy he would have been in the White House, with his intelligent, classy, gracious wife and children. And how he would have probably gotten the economy going in the right direction, and things wouldn't be teetering on the brink of disaster.
There are just TOO many things to worry about now. ALL news is scarier than I've ever seen in my Baby Boomer lifetime. Black is white and down is up. Everything is turned around and common sense is completely gone. We are told by Congress to "pass the bill to see what's in it" and every SINGLE day we are losing freedoms. This president has turned into a dictator and no one is stopping him. He has an Executive Order almost every week, and has started firing military officers who don't agree with him. The NSA is watching our every move. Frankly it's looking like Germany when Hitler came to power, but none of the kids know this sort of thing, as history is being rewritten through the eyes of liberals. And they are liars, huge liars, and leave out big, important parts of stories to mislead us. There are no checks and balances any more, since the media became lapdogs for the libs. I've gotten extremely political on Facebook, but no one seems to want to hear it. They want to see recipes, and "fluff" and cute photos. Almost everyone wants to stick their head in the sand and pretend it's all not happening. It's the new American way. Distract yourself with electronics and live in a dream world. It's easier. Even Hollywood is noticing that people just want "fluff" in movies - I like to call it "bubblegum for the brain." There are very few "smart" movies, and the ones out there that are, don't get a big box-office draw.
Something else upsetting today was hearing about Elian Gonzales. That story haunted me when it happened. It was the beginning of all of this government intervention stuff, and Janet Reno and gang broke the door down like he was some kind of international fugitive, when in reality, he was a little boy who had escaped Cuba on a boat and saw his mother die in the process. It was all nauseating. And now that boy is so brain-washed and ruined by Castro, that the dye is cast.
I'm sorry to be Debbie Downer today.... maybe that's why I'm not posting more?
I'll try to be more positive in future posts...