Thursday, December 5, 2013

Easy Money

Okay, I'm at work trying to sneak in a post. It's been crazy lately but not in a good way. Monday night I went into tachocardia and drove myself to the hospital. My heart rate was in the heart attack range for 2 and a half hours, so it really exhausts me;  most liken it to running a marathon (which I have never done or ever plan to.) I've had tachocardia since high school, and I HATE it. Arrrggggg.
Anyway, it sets me back when I go - and not only physically, but financially. Double arrrgggg...
I've put up my tree (which is kind of funny, since we got it at Wal-Mart because it was cheap, but it is so crooked, that it's beyond the 'leaning Tower of Pisa.") But whatever... I also put up lights outside, decorated inside, turn on Christmas music whenever possible, and watch sappy Hallmark Christmas movies because they always have happy endings like the old Doris Day movies in the sixties.
This is my way of combatting all of the infuriating news such as today, when I read that a law professor no less, is saying that Obama is exactly what the constitution was trying to protect us from, and that Obama has stated that he "can kill any American anywhere." I watched a video yesterday from Daphne Lee, a woman who calls herself "just a mom" who waited 8.5 hours to talk for less than 5 minutes at some City Council meeting in Arizona, but was extremely informed, and distressed that laws are being passed that the government can pick up any American without due process or  not allowing us to be innocent until proven guilty. She was all over (conservative) sites on Facebook and is one of my new heroes. Today I read that "the State Department spends 2.5 million on art for foreign embassies including 1 million for 1 statue."
Say what??
I am SO SICK of this government, while we are freaking broke, spending millions on this sort of thing, and even worse, sending BILLIONS to Muslim countries that hate us, and want to destroy us. So are we borrowing this money from China to give to these people??? They treat our hard-earned tax money like it's Monopoly money, and then they just go print more and more to give away. And not even to Americans.
Then I read today that the "U.S. Government is considering a 'mysterious' 600 acre China-themed city in New York's Catskills.
Somebody DO something!!!!! This is ridiculous!!! I could sit here and post all day about the injustices that are criminal and how something needs to be done, but WHO is going to do it?? Who will spearhead this?? The libs have George Soros, and clearly others who are pushing through their agenda, with money to throw at it.
Clearly we do not...