Monday, May 13, 2013

I've got good news and bad news...

The good news is... that Gosnell was convicted, even with the majority of the jury considered "pro-choice." I mean, I say it's good news, but he only got convicted of killing three babies when, in actuality, I wonder how many murders of babies he committed? And I mean by God's definition... all of the abortions were murder - so were there thousands? Which brings me to another question I have for very late abortion mothers. Why kill the child then? If you're close to the end or actually giving birth, why?? And the "partial-birth" abortion. Why not birth the child, and let someone else raise it. You can sign away a child, and if you do closed adoption, they can never find you. I guess that's too logical and too moral for these types of women? So they allow their child to be born, and then killed? How about the story from last week, when a woman who aborted (killed) her child, found out much later that her baby's head was still inside of her. Now THAT'S a horror movie...
Other stories in the news are disturbing. I didn't say 'surprising' because I'm not a low-information person. And maybe it's also that there are so many really nauseating stories coming to light at the same time.
As one who has worked in the media all of my career (although in advertising and not journalism) I am appalled that the Justice Department "secretly obtained two months of phone records of reporters and editors for the Associated Press." This is DISGUSTING.  What are we???  a Communist country??? Aren't the Associated Press already in the tank for the liberals anyway??? Were they just making sure???  This should outrage every American!!!
Added to that, we learn that the IRS has been targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups. Again, we all know this sort of thing has gone on for years. I can remember hearing that Bill Clinton's enemies would all get audited and have to lawyer up for tax situations. But this is actually much worse. I read tonight that the IRS was also asking for Tea Party volunteer names and donor names and social media friends. Well, THAT crosses the line even more!! We've all heard that the prez has an enemy list, and I'm sure all Tea Partiers are on it as well. They said they even targeted groups that want to save the constitution. This should scare every American!!
Then there is the story this week out of Bakersfield, California of the SEVEN cops who beat an intoxicated man to death as he begged for his life. The 33 year old man and father of four, was unarmed yet they kept striking his head with their batons. Witnesses that made cell phone videos had them confiscated. Here are more government workers that are above the law. We the people are at the mercy of law enforcement, and when there are bad cops, what can we do???  And then to have all the videos taken??  Evidently one really grainy one remained but is hard to see. ALL of the witnesses say they are haunted by what they saw -- a passed out drunk being beaten to death in front of them. If the man resisted arrest (and this, too, is unclear) why not use a stun gun. Or the Chuck Norris strong hold? But to keep beating the man's head as hard as they could with batons? Witnesses say they could hear the man choking on his own blood. This, too, should outrage all Americans!!
I could go on with the Bad News all night, but I think I'll stop there.
You get the picture...