Saturday, March 8, 2014

"I can do whatever I want..." - President Obama

Something occurred to me yesterday...
I was listening to the concocted media story of the day -  Elijah Cummings with his out-of-line rant, and then all of the accusations of racism because Issa cut him off?? BEYOND FRUSTRATING.
The freaking meeting had been adjourned!! It was Cummings who was out of line by having his temper tantrum in seeking to add something to an already adjourned meeting.  Many think it was to create a ruse so as NOT to talk about the REAL STORY -  which was IRS heroine Lois Lerner taking the fifth - AGAIN!!!!
And of course the state-run, propaganda, in-the-tank-for-liberals mainstream media did exactly what they were supposed to do, and keep the attention on calling everything racist that doesn't go their way. And then it occurred to me - whenever the prez said "I can do whatever I want" a few weeks ago, it's because he knows in our country that he can get whatever he wants because he's the first black president. And anything, ANYTHING or anyone that gets in his way?? Well, it's GOT to be racist.
They are not stupid. They see what works. They see white guilt. They view this as pay back time. It's redistribution time.
And then I started thinking about all the nasty rappers out there. You know, the ones that our current prez says are great role models for his daughters? They, too, have the mentality of "I can do anything I want" because Lord KNOWS we are going to be called a racist if we disagree or condemn them in any way. They think they have carte blanche to railroad this country however they please, and those of us who disagree? Well, we're racist and have to be stopped.
Secondly, the gays are right in line after the blacks. And if we say anything? Well, we are called homophobic, of course. Never mind that some of us are Jesus followers and Bible followers, and see that God calls homosexuality an abomination. I didn't write the rules, GOD DID. Christians are ordered to make a wedding cake for a gay/lesbian wedding or will be punished severely, but Muslims don't have to go against THEIR beliefs i.e. cutting the hair of a lesbian. They won't be ordered to do any of that. Christians will be called intolerant but never the Muslims.
We had better start getting thicker skin friends. We had better get used to be called racists and homophobes and intolerant Christians. We know the truth. We know what our beliefs are. We aren't going to hurt anyone. But we aren't going to be made to go against our beliefs either. There is terrible persecution of Christians all over the planet. You won't hear about it in the mainstream media because they could care less, but it's starting, and it will cross the pond to America. The stage is being set now - it's creeping in. It's creeping in because we are allowing it to. It started with being "politically correct" and NOW look where it's gotten us.
The spirit of the antiChrist is here - but then it always has been. There has always been a war in the spirit world of good against evil, and it is in this physical world as well. There has always been a line drawn in the sand.
"Choose you this day whom you will serve - as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord..." - Joshua 24:15