Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"You can't beat a person who never gives up." - Baby Ruth

It's been almost a week since I've posted - ughhhh... What a crazy time of year, and even more so this year... I'm finding myself continually stressed, and over the past week it is affecting my health. Today I had to just stop any negativity coming in, and only listen to positive things, and curtail the negative. It's our busiest time of year, and even with troubling pains, I don't have the time OR the money to address them. Our small town high school made district champs on Friday, so this week will not be our last game. Ordinarily this would be a really happy thing, but I'm so tired and stressed that it's bittersweet.
At church the past two Sundays, my pastor (who is my age) has mentioned that he doesn't think being super political is a good witness and implied that it actually turns people off, and then they won't listen to our "good news." I've contemplated about this and am not sure if I agree. I asked my co-worker, a part-time writer and pastor (Baptist) of a small church (who also chews tobacco and drinks alcohol quite often) and he said he agrees with my pastor, and thinks my conservative Facebook posts don't convince anyone of anything. He says this country is "too far gone" and only huge consequences will make people listen and change.
I am not a quitter. I think that's a quitter mentality. I've gotten really political on Facebook and have lost some "friends" over it, but sticking our heads in the sand while we go to hell in a handbasket is not my idea of correct. It is recorded in history that the Germans did the same thing as Hitler was coming to power, and did nothing. (Well, some did but not many.) I'm not going to meet my Maker some day and have to answer for THAT one. I'm going to live out loud. I'm going to preach from the mountain tops. I'm going to tell people about Jesus AND tell them the TRUTH about all of the lies that have been sold to us as a bill of goods in this country.
Who could have EVER imagined that this country could deteriorate this quickly?? But the measures that are being implemented now, will make this country a totally different place in the next generation. Already the seeds planted 20 years ago are coming to fruition and it's so disturbing. The generation in this country in their 20's grew up without God in school, and with entitlement mentality, and don't know the meaning of hard work. They sit around and play video games and go into fantasyland, and don't watch the news (not that mainstream news would tell them the truth anyway) or learn about what is going on that WILL affect their future.
Yes, I understand what my pastor is saying - that someone's heart will have to change before they see things the right way. Even my older son and daughter, who don't follow the news, have believed the lies and think Obamacare will help them.... But I'm not giving up.