Wednesday, November 13, 2013

And the strong shall lead...

Tonight my youngest, DD, was inducted into the National Honor Society at school. I am so proud of her because not only do they get chosen due to good grades (Academic) but also on Character, Leadership and Service. As I looked at the group of inductees, I saw that a lot of them went to DD's Catholic School (through 8th grade) because they emphasized leadership and service - actually all four points. The public schools here only emphasized grades, and since God is removed from public schools, they have a hard time stressing character because it goes hand in hand with faith and God and Biblical themes.
It's really what's wrong with America - we've lost our way - we've lost our soul. In the town I work in, it's a retirement town so even as a Baby Boomer, I'm still a "spring chicken" compared to all of the World War II veterans there. It makes me so sad to watch that generation dying off, knowing that my age group will be replacing them, but I digress. The thing I've noticed is that anyone over the age of 50,  were all pretty much raised right, and understand the gravity of what's happening in America. We had prayer in school, and character was stressed, and being good was respected. Now, the opposite is popular - nasty rappers saying the most foul things you've ever heard, and God is removed, and everyone worships pop culture. Sex is the "end game" always, and public schools are turning out people who are totally unprepared for the "hard, cruel world" of making a living and working hard. Drugs are still rampant and none of them "choose" to be adults until they are 30, or often even 40. Having children is being put off until 30's, thanks to birth control, so playing and partying and having random sex is the name of the game.
It's comforting to be around the older set in the town I work in because we all have the same values. Yet the under 40 crowd are mostly the uninformed voter, yet they sure know how to navigate food stamps and free stuff through the government. They don't watch the news and make fun of the older crowd and say things like, "Turn off Fox News," as that's considered uncool and geezer-like.
As I've mentioned, I've decided to get more political on Facebook, but I've noticed that no one will "like" what I post, since no one wants to be controversial or lose any "friends" by offending someone. And the wealthier people here seem to snoot down their nose at those who post conservative things, acting as though it's gauche to do so, but we ARE talking about the end of our country as I know it, so I don't understand why others aren't "going to the mats" over what's happening in the U.S. It's our future and our children's future; we can't just stick our heads in the sand and pretend everything is okay. The vast majority of my acquaintances refuse to discuss politics and think it is beneath them. Some are afraid to say anything bad about Obama, either for fear of reprisal, or offending someone, or thinking they sound racist. Ugh. This country was NOT ready for a black president; it has divided this country even worse than before, and black on white crimes are much, much worse when common sense would dictate that the opposite should be true.
It really does go back to your belief system and God and putting Him first.
Nothing else makes sense....