Wednesday, November 20, 2013

State of the Union...

I spoke to my brother earlier today about Thanksgiving and he is struggling SO hard to find a job.... So is my ex-husband, and my brother-in-law. These are all professional men with college degrees and many years of experience, who are Baby Boomers. At least my brother's wife is a teacher with income, and my sister is a teacher with income for my brother-in-law, but my ex has no back up plan and unemployment runs out at the first of next year. I'm trying to be positive for them, but they are all so discouraged, and bordering desperation - and we live in TEXAS where there are supposed to be more jobs than the rest of the nation.
As my brother says, things APPEAR normal, but if you scratch the surface, things are falling apart and everyone is hurting. And with the holidays starting next week, NO one hires in the holidays. Well, yes, the seasonal stuff but my ex can't even take those or his unemployment (which is higher dollar) would stop.
As the only sales rep for my weekly newspaper, my boss is pressuring me non-stop for sales, and will not believe me when I tell her that many of my accounts are really suffering and telling me they are barely keeping the doors open. These people are all my friends now, and I only tell them what they need, and I don't try to sell them something they should not be in. I'm a Christian. I have to look at myself in the mirror. I have to face my Maker some day and account for every action and every word. I want them to trust me because I have good character.
I have some distractions that are helping. Our high school is moving on in our second week of football playoffs on Friday night in Austin and DD is in her high school's musical "Grease" all weekend.
I'll take what I can get...