Thursday, August 28, 2014

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

I'm not sure if I've EVER felt as helpless as I do now. My heart is BREAKING for the Christians in Iraq and this current administration will not do a thing. Well, let me correct myself. They are doing "targeted missile drops" and I can only guess that this is to keep the world at bay in the planet outcry over the genocide of Christians in that country.
As you know, I am a devout Christian. Not just In Name Only,  "CINO." I am a real follower of Jesus, reading His Word, and doing my best to obey His commandments. And those people are MY brothers and sisters in Christ. There are no borders with His children. There is complete genocide being committed and our Judeo-Christian country does NOTHING???
I am trying to figure out what to do. Ordinarily there is an outcry about things like this, and we pressure our government to respond with force. Well, this was B.O. (Before Obama.) There have been situations before that the U.S. has responded to. And with good Christians and Jews in charge with beliefs from the Bible/Torah, we have been the watchdogs of the planet, so to speak.
When bad things happen in Africa like Apartheid, all the Hollywood types get behind it. But for me, as an average person, I have no bully pulpit. I think that's why blogs and social media are awesome, because they became avenues for average people like me to say what I think, even if it's to my small audience. Celebrities have a huge forum with thousands and thousands of viewers of which to make their case.
And it is infuriating that the mainstream media is sugar-coating this and not putting high importance on this issue. They think it's uncool to be a Christian and of all the labels to be considered, Christians are the LAST group they want to cover. (Again, see my blog 2 days ago - they don't want their behavior judged by Christians, yet the irony is that jihadists will KILL them no matter HOW tolerant they are to Muslims since they are Americans/Westerners. Just read British media for a few days, and see what we have to look forward to if we stay on this path to hell.)
We, as Americans, have allowed millions of our own citizens to be murdered by abortion. We collectively (not me) have been tolerant of feminists who claimed that it's THEIR choice and THEIR body, and we have allowed them to MURDER (see Ten Commandments) babies. And today I read that Planned Parenthood is lobbying for POST-birth abortion. WHY????? If the child is already born, why not snatch it up and let someone who really wants a child to raise it. At that point, they have gone through the nine months and the inconvenient excuse doesn't even fly.
So are we now going to stand by and do NOTHING while children are being crucified or beheaded (along with adults) and women raped, and/or sold as sex slaves. Have we become THAT SELFISH that we cannot try to help these people who are being slaughtered???
I follow lots of Christians on Facebook, and there are tons of missionaries who are begging for prayer on this issue. People that are over there. People who have seen this happen. People on the run from these monsters. This is REAL. Are we so desensitized by television and movies, that we cannot get this through our skulls that good people are dying. Tons of them. GENOCIDE used to mean something!! Everyone is too wrapped up in what Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus are doing. Americans have lost their way, and I blame the mainstream media for setting the stage for what's important and what's not. Not too long ago, even the liberal journalists would cover these stories and it would move people to action. Now, it's pretty much just Fox News that will, and they are mocked for it. Sean Hannity was awesome to go to Israel and get the truth out there about what was really happening, but this administration is pro-Hamas and anti-Israel, which is dangerous for us because God says, "I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you" regarding His people (Jews and Christians are adopted in, as it says in the New Testament.) I read today that Jimmy Carter will attend a Hamas fundraiser. Man, it just keeps getting better and better...
Oh God help me know what to do!!!!!!!!!