Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Today I heard that China is going to buy the Euro debt... and since they already own a BAZILLION dollars of U.S. debt, it looks like someday, probably very soon, they will own the power nations. As you may or may not know, when Armageddon happens, according to the Bible, a million man army will march on Israel, of which most guess will be for oil. China already has a million man army as we speak.

I've been thinking about China a lot since I saw the toddler video I posted on Monday, and what a terrible place it must be to live. I always feel sympathy for those in oppressed societies and know they desire freedom as all do. We hear the stories of many suicides from those being overworked in the computer factories in China and this is even with their very controlled media.
Children in America today are not taught about communism. Even in my town, one of the most conservative towns in Texas, they are not teaching it in the public schools. As a matter of fact, in DD's 9th grade English class, they had to write a paper last week from the point of view of the communists during the Russian revolution. Some parents complained, and the teacher said it was "just an exercise."
As a Baby Boomer, we grew up hearing about the Soviet Union and communism, and how terrible it was to live without freedom. How they could not leave the country if they wanted to, they could not worship as they wanted, and couldn't even do the job they wanted. It sounded so oppressive and certainly was. I remember President Reagan saying, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," (the Berlin wall) and thinking that would never happen, but shortly thereafter, it did. It truly was miraculous. When we have had visiting Russian ministers at church, they say the window opened to get the gospel out, but they foresee it closing again in the near future.
Soon China is supposed to surpass the United States as being the biggest superpower. And with the current president, decisions are being made that jeopardize the U.S in a big way. This next American presidential election is the most important one in our entire history.
Choose wisely...