Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Beware the Dragon

I'd like to comment about the video I posted yesterday. Some family members were furious that I would post it, but it is truth albeit very disturbing. My point was to show the lack of morality and humanity in China. May I add that Glenn Beck also posted the video on his website, saying that it's what communism looks like. I agree, when you remove God from society, then it begins to deteriorate. And with China's one child rule and forced abortions, there is no respect for life.
I cannot fathom living in a place where so many people reacted like this to their fellow man, and especially when it is a small child. I would not even want to visit this country, and think our government needs to think twice about borrowing so much money from these ruthless, Godless people. The video is so disturbing that it's hard to believe that it actually happened, but it did, 5 days ago. My thoughts and prayers go out to the toddler, YeuYeu, and her family. I'm praying that God will miraculously touch and heal her, to His glory. And I pray that it will bring tons of Chinese people to give their lives to the Lord so that China will come out of the darkness.
One person at a time.