Monday, May 2, 2011

"Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our motto: 'In God we trust.'

Last night we got the word that Osama Bin Laden is dead. And yes, justice is served. So why don't I feel more exuberant about this? I think if it had happened the first year after 9-11, I would've been dancing in the streets. And I think if it could have happened on George W's watch, I would have enjoyed seeing him reach his goal. And I think there are a whole lot of things we'll never know about this scenario, so I hate to judge it on what I DO know, which is only what the media says.

As I went around to all of my clients today, we talked about it at each stop. And lots of my Facebook friends talked about it all day. Comments ranged from "Burn in hell" and "hope you're enjoying your virgins - not!" to the more religious who didn't want to rejoice at someone's death. Some, like me, thought it was suspect to shoot him in the head and then follow Muslim customs by burying him within 24 hours. Then they had a burial at sea? What's up with that?! But as the day went on, it was explained no country would take his body and that Americans do the right thing and comply with the dead's burial wishes. Still though, we ARE talking about one of the most evil men on the planet, in Hitler's category, so this was no ordinary situation.
Too, I am suspicious of this current administration going on their past history. I'm wondering why now? And why not just kill him and not announce it? The jihadists have threatened for years that they would avenge his death, and they will. Maybe not soon, but at some point. Maybe they would attack us regardless of his death? Maybe we can't live in fear? Maybe it becomes like the Hatfields and McCoys and the avenging goes on and on and on? To them, we started it. To us, they started it. But I've never understood why they think we started it. Or maybe they don't. The truth is that they are very deceived. They operate on hate and lies and forcing their beliefs on non-Muslims. They began as a fringe element, but are growing quickly.
Did this administration allow this to happen now so they can pull the U.S. out of the Middle East? I'm just wondering why now? The one thing we can ALL agree on is that the military rocks and we are all proud of the Navy Seals. For that we can all be united.
The other questions? Time will tell...