Thursday, May 19, 2011

"I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance.... and they have divided up my land."

Today I was in my weekly networking luncheon when an AP mobile app appeared on my iPhone. It said that President Obama wants to take the Israeli borders back to pre-1967... and I got a chill.... I mentioned it to a few in the group that I know are Bible believing Christians and they just shook their heads. God is very clear in His word, that there will be divine judgment on the nations that divide up Israel. Very clear. And although most don't want to hear it, it is just another (huge) sign that we are in the last days. Yes, I know, one guy says the world will end on Saturday, which probably means it won't since God told us in His Word that we will NOT know the date and time, but only the season. It's just not how He works. He says it will be like a "thief in the night." We are supposed to be ready, as it will be sudden.

I know we have to go on. We can't sit on top of the mountain top waiting for Jesus to come. No, He told us to keep doing our work for Him until He comes. Keep telling others that if they will just turn to Him, that He will meet them, and take their burdens and give them peace. I don't know when He's coming.
But it feels like a movie with 10 minutes left, and you know the big finale will happen any moment...
Tick. Tick. Tick.