Monday, February 14, 2011

"The Look-at-ME generation..."

You've probably heard by now that Stephani Germanotta, I mean Lady Gag me, arrived at the Grammy's in an egg. How original........ she's such a rip-off. I can remember reading that Carole Lombard (Clark Gable's wife, for those younger like Alex, who had no idea who she was) went to a Hollywood party in the 1930's and made her grand entrance from an ambulance, and they removed her on a stretcher. The theme was "all white" and, at that time, all hospital garb was white. And Lady Gaga's (I have SUCH a hard time calling her this) new dance numbers are VERY close to Madonna's previous concerts. Even the play-it-safe Entertainment Tonight, showed them side by side for comparison. But it got me thinking last night, that this age group is the "Look at me! Look at me!" generation. Everybody has to one up the next one, and it's a constant competition with them to see who gets the most attention, however they can get it.

When DD, my youngest, left her private school last month after 10 years, that was always my comment, is that she never had a friend that 'had her back.' All these girls were constantly trying to beat DD in whatever she did. It was never like that when I was growing up... At least with your best friends, they were (mostly) on your side. These girls are vicious, and truly as bad or worse than the movie, "Mean Girls," which if you haven't seen, you can guess by the title. The lies, the meanness, the competing, the deception.... it was wearing...
But it's not just at that school, it's all over America. Where is the kindness? The parents these days all try to act like Tiger Woods' dad, and start their kid in something in preschool, and hope their kid likes it later. I started DD in dance at age 4, but then my mother got cancer, and I had to pull her out, since all of our trips to see her and help started, and then by age 7, the rest of them were already advanced, and currently are the dance divas in our town. It used to be the minority of parents were like this, but not any more. You always hear these days that families are not eating dinner together. This is true!! They are at sporting events, and extra curricular events every single night, and that's all over the nation. Parents are working, and spending evenings at these events, so everyone's eating fast food and trying to help their child get ahead in the 21st century. Only very few are emphasizing school work because those aren't the jobs they aspire to. It's all part of the dumbing down of America. No one wants to work hard and have a respectable job. They want to be a star. They want attention. They want to dress weird.
They all want to be Lady Gaga....