Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Be careful what you wish for..."

As much as I DON'T want to talk about Egypt, I will give my opinion, since it's all anyone on the news can seem to talk about... The Egyptians will fall into the many other country's fates around them, that is, the end result will be worse than what they had before the "transition." They had better 'be careful what they wish for,' because they seem to be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. When I was young, all of those Middle East countries were not in a religious war with the West, but now that the radicals are hijacking the Muslims, they want to take over the world and enforce Sharia law... and there aren't enough people who really care to stop them. We conservatives care and we care a lot. We keep saying to everyone, wake up, we're losing our freedoms, but everyone seems to be sleeping. And here in America, we have a 'civil' war going on between the right and the left, and without unifying, we don't have enough numbers. The president and half of the Congress are liberal, and don't think we have a problem with radical Islam. And Obama and the people he surrounds himself, think of conservatives as more of the enemy than the mad men in the other countries who want to end our way of life. We have a wolf in sheep's clothing at the head of this country, a man who is friends with the likes of Bill Ayres. Just tonight on the Glenn Beck show, he showed a clip of Bill Ayres saying he thinks that this country should be 'cleansed' of the 25 million capitalists, and when pressed about that, he said yes, killed. Beck showed clips of the "Code Pink" protest THIS PAST WEEKEND, that had all of these people on film saying they think we should hang (conservative Supreme Court Justice) Clarence Thomas, and his wife, and string him up and send him back to the fields. Oh but they aren't racist???? One man said he thinks that America should have a revolt (against conservatives) like Egypt, and (I paraphrase) kill the infidel (those that don't believe like him.)

And then there is Mubarak today, saying he would really like to go ahead and leave his post, but knows that if he did, that radicals like the Muslim Brotherhood would take over. Supposedly these protesters want freedom, but under MB it would get much, much worse.
And we learned this the hard way... freedom only works in Judeo-Christian, capitalist countries where there is law based on the Ten Commandments. For years now we have tried to set up democracy in Iraq, but it seems apparent to me that with Muslims in charge, it will never work. The two cannot work in tandem.
For the next US presidential election, we are going to need a VERY strong man, a man of character, that does the right thing to do, NO MATTER WHAT, and let's the chips fall where they may. It cannot be like the liberals, where the end justifies the means. No. We have to do the right thing always. It's like I tell my children; walk the path of life, and every time you come to a fork in the road?
Take the high road.