The 83rd Academy Awards show was the most awkward, odd and embarressing Oscars that I've ever watched, and I watch every year. The two young hosts, Ann Hathaway and James Franco, were awful and immature and made me long for the old days with hosts like David Letterman and Billy Crystal. I can remember the greats like Johnny Carson and Bob Hope hosting, and hosting with class. Even Ann's 10 dress changes could not make up for her tacky wooing as she announced each guest actor like she was at a pep rally.... "Here's Steven Spielberg!!!!! Wooooo-wooooo!!!!!" - ugh.... And James Franco acted like he was at Thanksgiving dinner with a family he couldn't stand. And today several talking heads alluded to his strong affinity for pot, and that he was probably under the influence. I personally couldn't get past how yellow his teeth looked - yack.
Monday, February 28, 2011
"All that glitters isn't gold..."
Posted by Pearl at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Oscars 2011 Fashion Police
Alex: Thinks Mila Kunis looks gorgeous, loves the lavender, is Best Dressed this year

Posted by Pearl at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Live Texting the Oscar's Red Carpet
My older daughter and I like to text each other our Red carpet comments - here they are:
Alex: Jennifer Lawrence looks really pretty. She's a nominee but I have no idea who she is
Me: I'm at grocery store, dang, be home soon
Alex: She's in red and has her hair down. Love hair down.
Me: Yes!
Alex: Mila Kunic looks gorgeous
Me: Almost home
Alex: Mandy Moore looks matronly
Me: Are you on E?
Alex: Yup
Alex: Her dress is pretty though
Me: Michelle Williams always looks like Peter Pan
Me: I didn't see Mandy Moore
Alex: Michelle looks good
Alex: Can't see the detail in her dress
Me: She's pretty in a wholesome way
Me: I'm not digging Amy Adams' dress
Me: She's pretty though
Me: No red on red carpet!!
Alex: Not at all
Alex: It's too dark
Alex: I really don't like Amy Adams look
Me: Mila DOES look gorgeous
Me: Guilianne looks like an alien
Alex: She looks like E.T.
Alex: E.T. in drag
Alex: Love the lavender (Mila)
Me: Yes!
Me: I love cute lil Ryan Seacrest
Me: Mandy Moore does look matronly but I like the dress
Me: That lil True Grit girl looks great
Me: Mark Ruffalo's wife's dress is psychophrenic
Alex: Jennifer Hudson has a little too much boob going on
Me: Yes
Me: Florence Welch dress is awful, like thrift store
Me: Ugh - Cate Blanchett
Me: Always looks like an ironing board
Alex: Cate Blanchett hair is great but that dress is ODD
Alex: There are no words for that dress
Me: hahah TOO MUCH
Me: Jennifer Hudson's dress looks like bathing suit
Alex: So true
Me: Blanchett's dress is odd, you're right
Me: I can't stand Scarlett Johannson
Me: She just looks arrogant
Alex: Her dress has a good back but I hate maroon
Me: Me too, not her best color
Alex: Marissa Tomei looks terrible!!!!!
Me: Florence Welch - yack
Alex: It's like a fashion student made it
Me: Sharon Stone looks very movie star
Me: Very sultry
Alex: Sharon Stone looks like Elvira
Me: Only she can pull off black at Oscars
Alex: No she can't
Me: She looks good for her age, she's 53
Alex: Black dresses are a deal breaker for me
Me: Yes, almost always for me
Me: I kinda like Marissa Tomei's dress, needs jewelry
Alex: It's terrible. What is wrong with your eye balls?!
Me: I like campy sometimes
Me: But she could've done WAY better
Me: It's costume-y
Alex: It's boring and black and I am not a fan
Me: Yeah, she's a cute girl and could've worn much better
Me: Hilary Swank looks fab
Me: Helena Bonham Carter is the real Elvira
Me: a big spider
Alex: Always
Me: Black widow!!!
Me: Hilary needs jewelry
Alex: Hilary's look bores me
Me: I like it but needs accessorizing
Alex: Snore
Me: Nicole Kidman is disappointing
Alex: Keith Urban needs to cut his Billy Ray Cyrus hair
Me: Mullet, Baby! Popular in Tennessee?
Alex: Mullet with highlights
Me: Jennifer Lawrence's dress is like Farrah Fawcett's famous red bathing suit
Alex: It's hot though
Me: Yeah
Alex: If you got it, flaunt it
Me: Helen Mirren looks pretty
Me: Celine Dion is finally aging some
Me: Penelope Cruz lost all baby fat & looks good
Alex: Hugh Jackman is a doll
Me: Love him
Alex: Penelope does look awesome for just having a baby
Me: Halle Berry is stunning
Alex: Yes, but like Hilary Swank I feel the look has been done
Me: Agree
Alex: But pretty yes
Me: Reese Witherspoon is 60's Barbie! Cute!
Alex: Reese looks like that very first Barbie
Alex: It's cute
Me: Hate Nicole Kidman's dress
Alex: her dress is awful!!!!!
Me: Yack
Alex: Penelope's dress is a little too much
Me: Hot chili pepper
Me: (seeing Matthew McConaghey) Alright Alright Alright
Me: All the bathing suit dresses look 70s
Alex: Matts wife is pretty in black
Me: Fab figure
Me: Gwenyth Paltrow? Bleh
Alex: Snore
Me: Yeah, she coulda done way better too
Me: And if I was Jessica Biel, I would break up with JT for taking his mommy on red carpet instead of her
Alex: I'm not even sure they are dating any more
Me: Christian Bale is weird
Alex: He is so full of himself
Me: Sandra Bullock looks pretty
Me: like her in red
Alex: I'm not a fan
Me: usually I don't like red on red carpet
Alex: It is that old strapless dress with up do that kills me
Alex: Mix it up
Me: True
Me: Gwenith looks unique
Alex: True, it's new and I appreciate that
Alex: But it's a little space age
Me: or retro
Me: Sandra Bullock looks pissed
Alex: Bad memories of the douche bag
Me: Yeah, Jesse Jerk James
Me: Nicole Kidman is worst dressed
Me: It's stupid
Me: who's your favorite
Me: Reese is my fav so far
Alex: Mila I think
Me: Oh yes, I think she's the best too
Alex: Where is Natalie?
Me: True!! Maybe since pregnant
Alex: And Annette and Julianne Moore
Me: yeah
Me: Natalie, bleh
Alex: Nat is in maroon
Alex: I like the dress but not the color
Me: Agree
Alex: Mila and Jennifer Lawrence were best dressed
Me: For me, Mila and Reese
Alex: This is so hard to watch
Me: Awkward
Me: No flow
Alex: I'm cringing!!!!
Alex: Ahhhhh sooooo awkward
Me: going to have LOW ratings
Me: I'm going to wash my hair in a minute, will be more exciting
Alex: James Franco is about as exciting as watching paint dry
Me: Melissa Leo wins her 1st Oscar and drops the F bomb???
Alex: No class
Me: I know!
Me: James Franco's teeth are REAL yellow - yuck
Alex: I may turn this off
Me: She was awful & Kirk Douglas? I'm sorry but NO
Alex: I'm speechless
Me: it's so bad I'm laughing AT them
Alex: I'm cringing
Me: Ann Hathaway is embarressing too
Alex: she seems tipsy
Me: definitely
Alex: Its like she thinks she's on Sat nite live or something
Alex: Why does Ann Hathaway keep wooing like this is a football game?
Posted by Pearl at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 26, 2011
"Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret."
Posted by Pearl at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 25, 2011
"Just Do It" - Nike
DD's first track meet - she did great! In spite of the cool wind blowing for hours, she placed in all of the races except the jumps (shown below.) Long day but fun to watch!
Posted by Pearl at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 24, 2011
"There are bad men out there plotting to kill you." - Anthony Maschek
Anthony Maschek, 28, is an Idaho native who miraculously survived a firefight in Iraq in February 2008. In the hail of gunfire, he broke both legs and suffered wounds to his abdomen, arms and chest after being shot 11 times. He was awarded the high honor of the Purple Heart. He spent the last 2 years at Walter Reed recovering from these wounds. Currently he is a freshman at Columbia University studying economics.
Posted by Pearl at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
"We need to be alert to the fact that these evil-doers still exist..." - George Bush
A few days ago I wrote a blog about pirates, but deleted it thinking that no one was interested in that but me. I had just seen "Hawaii Five-O" last week and was surprised that there are now pirates in Hawaii. Too, Mexican pirates recently killed a young newlywed man at the Mexican border on Lake Amistad. Even large cruise ships have been shot at by these 'thugs on the water.' And now today we learn that the four Americans that were taken hostage on February 11th off of the coast of Africa were murdered.
Posted by Pearl at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 21, 2011
"Laughter is an instant vacation." - Milton Berle
Well, my children are telling me that I'm too negative lately, so.... this photo struck me as funny, and evidently I really need to laugh lately. These are the Real Housewives of New Jersey, which I do NOT watch. The story says they are "ditching their parkas for bikinis" and are heading to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.
Posted by Pearl at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
"Practice what you preach..."
Remember last week when Obama spoke about our tough economy and said we "might have to put off a vacation" and "everyone must sacrifice?" Well, it seems everyone but HIS FAMILY. Michelle has taken THEIR daughters to ski in Vail for Presidents Day weekend. (Does anyone else see the irony in this?) Oh, and the Bidens are currently vacationing in the Florida Keys...
Posted by Pearl at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 19, 2011
"After all.... tomorrow is another day." - Scarlett O' Hara
Today was one of the worst days of my life. I won't go into it, but (sigh) it was horrible... I had to do all the things I could do to keep sane. I had to drive for a few hours.... I had to go to a park that is one of my "happy places" since my family used to go there when I was young and I have great memories there. I had to listen to Christmas carols on my iPhone, and I had to close my eyes and go to my other "happy place," which is the beach in California. It took me a very long time to get back to a semblance of normal.
Posted by Pearl at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 18, 2011
"Those who can't, teach?"
WHY didn't I become a teacher?? I went to the University of Texas, and had my pick of whatever I wanted to do. And the girls that chose the teaching profession had the best intentions, like my sister, who knew it would be the perfect job when they married and had children.... Holidays off? Check. Out at the end of school? Check. Summers off? Check. Even be able to be at some schools when their child was there. Check. And then know all of the teachers and administration so your kid can have an advantage. Check.
Posted by Pearl at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 17, 2011
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
You may have heard about this 71 year old woman from England this week. A cell phone video surfaced of six young men robbing a jewelry store in broad daylight in Northampton, and Ann Timson got her purse and BY HERSELF starting wailing on all of them until, one by one, they ran off. No one else stopped to help her, but one person DID decide to catch it on video. She was invited to appear on the Today Show in New York City with her son and grandaughter for her bravery. We need more "Ann's" in this country to stand up to the bad guys.
Posted by Pearl at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Update on Bibi (see Saturday's post)
An update on Bibi, who's Afghan husband cut off her nose and ears... She was brought to America and is staying in New York City. Doctors operated on her last October to give her a prosthetic nose, but will not do more surgery for now since she suffers from post-tramatic stress syndrome. She is learning English and making beaded jewelry, while being offered sanctuary by the charity Women for Afghan Women.
Posted by Pearl at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
"Fight and slay the pagans (infidels/unbelievers) wherever you find them." - Surah 9:5 in Quran
Today's news reports that CBS' reporter Lara Logan revealed that last Friday she was the victim of a "sustained sex attack" and beating while covering Egyptian protests, and had to be saved by a group of women and soldiers. (This was February 11, the day that President Mubarak stepped down and Egyptians were celebrating in the streets.) Lara was reporting in Tahrir square, got caught up in the mob, was separated from her crew, when a group surrounded her. She is still in the hospital....
Posted by Pearl at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pearl at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 14, 2011
"The Look-at-ME generation..."
You've probably heard by now that Stephani Germanotta, I mean Lady Gag me, arrived at the Grammy's in an egg. How original........ she's such a rip-off. I can remember reading that Carole Lombard (Clark Gable's wife, for those younger like Alex, who had no idea who she was) went to a Hollywood party in the 1930's and made her grand entrance from an ambulance, and they removed her on a stretcher. The theme was "all white" and, at that time, all hospital garb was white. And Lady Gaga's (I have SUCH a hard time calling her this) new dance numbers are VERY close to Madonna's previous concerts. Even the play-it-safe Entertainment Tonight, showed them side by side for comparison. But it got me thinking last night, that this age group is the "Look at me! Look at me!" generation. Everybody has to one up the next one, and it's a constant competition with them to see who gets the most attention, however they can get it.
Posted by Pearl at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 13, 2011
"Men are from Mars.."
Well, it's begun... Just saw on Facebook to change your profile pic to you and your significant other and put how long you've been together... Ah yes, for a single lady, we are upon one of the most dreaded days of the year... Valentine's Day...
Posted by Pearl at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 12, 2011
"Multi-culturalism has failed..." - Sarkozy
DON'T TELL ME that it's okay to allow multi-culturalism when THIS is what happens... This is Bibi Aisha who was 18 when she left her husband, Taliban fighter, over claims of domestic abuse. In an act of retribution, the Taliban allowed him to cut off her ears and nose. Her husband abandoned her after the assault; American soldiers and aid workers later rescued her and transported her to the United States, where she now lives, for reconstructive surgery.
Posted by Pearl at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 11, 2011
"Let my people go..."
It's 2-11-11.... a day Egypt will always remember. I've been watching them celebrate in the streets with a mixed reaction. Of course I see that these people have been oppressed... and you cannot help but be happy for them in this moment that they think they are free... The human soul yearns to be free and wants the rights that have been guaranteed to Americans in our constitution.
Posted by Pearl at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
"A competitor will find a way to win."
Here's my short post for today... Tonight my youngest daughter, DD, and I had to go to a mandatory cheerleader tryout meeting at the high school, since tryouts for next year (9th grade) are next month on March 11th. The meeting was for ALL girls who will be trying out for cheerleader at the high school. It was actually amusing, as the girls all sized each other up, and the moms looked nervously around to see who the competitors against their daughters are. And we live in small town Texas, where cheerleading is BIG; make that HUGE! They are changing a lot of the rules for the squads next year, since one set of cheerleaders here got caught in their uniforms drinking and driving, and subsequently got DWI's. And then, a few weeks ago, half of the girl basketball players, including cheerleaders, went to the mall in the city, and somehow were able to shoplift some really expensive clothes. Both of these incidents were the talk of the town, since gossip is the biggest past time. None of them got kicked off the squad, but it's doubtful the ones returning will be chosen, since the new teacher evaluations now count more than any skill in the tryouts.
Posted by Pearl at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Only in America...
Only in America would 'we the people' allow a group started by a science fiction writer in the 1950's to be called a religion and thus receive tax exempt status.... a group that believes humanity's every problem derives from the spirits of murdered space aliens. They believe that 75 million years ago an evil galactic ruler named Xenu solved overpopulation by bringing trillions of people to Earth in DC-8 space planes, stacking them around volcanoes and nuking them. Then the souls of these dead space aliens were captured, boxed up and taken to cinemas where they were shown films of what life should be like, false ideas containing God, the devil and Christ, and told to get ill. After that, they supposedly clustered together and now inhabit our bodies. They believe that if they rid themselves of these body thetans, then they will be healthier and will gain special powers like mind-over-matter. This group's founder wrote a book in 1950 called "Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health," and his movement grew out of the book when his followers began "auditing" each other. He was quoted as saying, "You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion." Followers pay a lot of money to "audit" and get the "souls of these dead space aliens" out of their bodies... They have been banned in several countries: in 2000 France debated dissolving them as a religion, in 1999 they lost their charity status in Britain, and in 1997 they were banned in Greece. I recommend you read Andrew Morton's unauthorized biography about Tom Cruise to find out more about this 'religion.'
Posted by Pearl at 6:32 PM 0 comments