Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Has the whole world gone crazy?"

Once in a while a story comes along that is SO infuriating, that I have to immediately comment. I read of one today. It's a couple from California that just moved to Honolulu. The wife, Nicole, is 28 years old and 7.5 months pregnant, and the husband is 33 years old and they have a 2 year old daughter. The wife is also former Air Force sergeant. This past weekend they had just moved to an apartment in Honolulu and needed to go to the grocery store but got lost. They ended up at Safeway Grocery, and were hungry by this time. They shopped and started to check out with their $50 worth of groceries. They had eaten 2 sandwiches while shopping, and were saving the wrapper to pay for the $5 total for those. They forgot to pay for the sandwiches as they checked out, and were taken upstairs to be questioned. Embarressed, they offered to pay for the sandwiches but were told they were going to be arrested for shoplifting (for stolen sandwich - $5) and were handcuffed, searched AND they took her 2 year old daughter away with child welfare services. They were driven separately to jail and booked (for $5.) They were in shock and the mother was so upset she threw up that they took her daughter who had never spend the night away from them. The next morning they called a lawyer, who suggested they call the media to get their child quicker. They did, 18 hours later.

What kind of a nation have we become? Are we in a FREAKING COMMUNIST COUNTRY NOW??? I will NEVER shop at a Safeway again, much less ENTER their property. To be arrested over $5?? And offering to pay?? 
Good God help us...